hmm.. tomorrow... trip...
Time To Eat Some SeaFOOD!!!
*go to seafood resturant*
Me: "can i get the chicken"
Them: "we dont have none"
heh.... of course they have chicken....
i wonder what seafood tastes like....
i could only imagine....
im starting to not care about science olympiad...
Time To Eat Some SeaFOOD!!!
*go to seafood resturant*
Me: "can i get the chicken"
Them: "we dont have none"
heh.... of course they have chicken....
i wonder what seafood tastes like....
i could only imagine....
im starting to not care about science olympiad...
st. agnes was the usual bore (spl?)....
i noticed.. not many jr. volunteers know i make their newsletter... o well...
once i become president.. i will punish them Alll!!!... jk.. crazy side came out...
sigh.... well i discover this new cool band aid from st. agnes...
ooo sat. = bio/apes trip!! yay....
i noticed.. not many jr. volunteers know i make their newsletter... o well...
once i become president.. i will punish them Alll!!!... jk.. crazy side came out...
sigh.... well i discover this new cool band aid from st. agnes...
ooo sat. = bio/apes trip!! yay....
hmm... why kathleen have to run against me.... sob....
i guess steven more of a threat than i....
well if more than 1-2 other people run for prez/vp... i wont run for that...
i'll think about it....
for now, ... bring it on kathleen!... jk.. ima lose :(
but... eh... tech chair = back up?
also must plot for band council, enviro club, filipino club, and saint agnes... :D
student council - nahhhh
finger update: ... i think i shoulda gotten it check out and maybe stiches... cause its still sorta open....
this semester must be better!
i guess steven more of a threat than i....
well if more than 1-2 other people run for prez/vp... i wont run for that...
i'll think about it....
for now, ... bring it on kathleen!... jk.. ima lose :(
but... eh... tech chair = back up?
also must plot for band council, enviro club, filipino club, and saint agnes... :D
student council - nahhhh
finger update: ... i think i shoulda gotten it check out and maybe stiches... cause its still sorta open....
this semester must be better!
well... the good: i got a A in math...
the bad: dance in pe... sigh
well all A's, 1 B and a C... 3.4?
the bad: dance in pe... sigh
well all A's, 1 B and a C... 3.4?
i got a 3 (75%) on my bio final... arggg... i could have done sooo much better... o well... i'll save this anger for may!
English = 85
Math = i felt good about my final
Bio = 75 :(
Chinese = A?
Band = A?
Pe = A?
well this weekend.. ima relax... do bio.. get hair cut...
if i go out.. maybe get jason a late b-day gift... ionno
Finals Are Over!
i got a 3 (75%) on my bio final... arggg... i could have done sooo much better... o well... i'll save this anger for may!
English = 85
Math = i felt good about my final
Bio = 75 :(
Chinese = A?
Band = A?
Pe = A?
well this weekend.. ima relax... do bio.. get hair cut...
if i go out.. maybe get jason a late b-day gift... ionno
Finals Are Over!
zzz... Bio + Math = Death
sigh... well i have this www.1and1.com account free for 3 years....
500mb... thats a lot of space..... what to do with it... hmmm....
it kinda complicated to use.... i dunno where to edit html....
zzz... time to study more...
uh.. Happy Chinese New Year?
sigh... well i have this www.1and1.com account free for 3 years....
500mb... thats a lot of space..... what to do with it... hmmm....
it kinda complicated to use.... i dunno where to edit html....
zzz... time to study more...
uh.. Happy Chinese New Year?
well .. friday i have AP bio and Math.... so ima die too....
yep.. Good Luck Everyone... Cant wait till that clean slate!
yep.. Good Luck Everyone... Cant wait till that clean slate!
here my semi-offical schedual:
Junior year:
Band PE
AP Gov
AP Comp
Adv. Math
Chinese 3
AP Enviro
Senior year:
AP Psych
AP Lit
Band PE
AP Econ
AP Chem
AP World or Chinese
Total: 9 APs?
Junior year:
Band PE
AP Gov
AP Comp
Adv. Math
Chinese 3
AP Enviro
Senior year:
AP Psych
AP Lit
Band PE
AP Econ
AP Chem
AP World or Chinese
Total: 9 APs?
Well actually thats over with... dunno.. well its not lose no more...
and i got a 400/400 on my bio summer packet!!!!
that = 2 tests... woooooooooooo
so 100% on english 10 honors summer work and ap bio summer work
and i got a 400/400 on my bio summer packet!!!!
that = 2 tests... woooooooooooo
so 100% on english 10 honors summer work and ap bio summer work
Q: When do teeth fall out?
A: Please refer to the chart. These dates are just a guideline. Teeth can fall out earlier or later.
Central Incisors 6-8 years 6-8 years
Lateral Incisors 7-8 years 7-8 years
Canines 10-12 years 9-12 years
First Molars 9-11 years 9-11 years
Second Molars 10-12 years 10-12 years
well since im talking about the second molars... 10-12... maybe 15 is possible? i think i still have 4 baby teeth.
A: Please refer to the chart. These dates are just a guideline. Teeth can fall out earlier or later.
Central Incisors 6-8 years 6-8 years
Lateral Incisors 7-8 years 7-8 years
Canines 10-12 years 9-12 years
First Molars 9-11 years 9-11 years
Second Molars 10-12 years 10-12 years
well since im talking about the second molars... 10-12... maybe 15 is possible? i think i still have 4 baby teeth.
hm... one of my lower 2nd to back molers feel loose... i dont think i lost all my baby teeth yet... im not sure....
it kinda feels weird and tingly when i bite on it... i hate this feeling....
i need to go to the dentist soon.. to ask if its perminant or bably... almost positive its a baby...
lets see.. the far molar is growing out .... so the 2nd to last is a baby a guess...
i think i did well on my bio test!
it kinda feels weird and tingly when i bite on it... i hate this feeling....
i need to go to the dentist soon.. to ask if its perminant or bably... almost positive its a baby...
lets see.. the far molar is growing out .... so the 2nd to last is a baby a guess...
i think i did well on my bio test!
i feel like im growing... like my legs are growing longer.... who knos....
longer legs = faster mile time :D
break countdown: 4 days of freedom left
Neo Sniper the Drunyth Ranger
character i chose for battlemagica... looks like legolas from lotr? lol
longer legs = faster mile time :D
break countdown: 4 days of freedom left
Neo Sniper the Drunyth Ranger
character i chose for battlemagica... looks like legolas from lotr? lol
we that night i also drove illegally for the second time... this was worst cause it was dark and a little foggy...
didnt know the peddles were so sensitive....
didnt know the peddles were so sensitive....
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