GWiYoNo (1:10:01 AM) : mexican guitars
GWiYoNo (1:10:02 AM) : LOL
Tomcat 155 (1:10:13 AM) : Mexican guitars. The answer to all our problems. Perfect.
Neomike88 (11:32:45 PM) : my window is awkwardly close to another window
Neomike88 (11:32:52 PM) : so i hear girls talking...
Neomike88 (11:32:55 PM) : -.-
GWiYoNo (11:33:02 PM) : ooo
GWiYoNo (11:33:04 PM) : lucky
Neomike88 (11:33:07 PM) : psh
GWiYoNo (11:33:07 PM) : like your jeans
GWiYoNo (11:33:09 PM) : LOL
Neomike88 (11:33:09 PM) : i want some sleep
GWiYoNo (11:33:15 PM) : tell them to
GWiYoNo (11:33:17 PM) : shhh
GWiYoNo (11:33:23 PM) : they'll be intimidated so bad
Neomike88 (11:33:24 PM) : or ill write them up
Neomike88 (11:33:36 PM) : lol they'll hate me for the rest of th year
GWiYoNo (11:33:50 PM) : LOL
Neomike88 (11:39:37 PM) : this is hecka awkward
Neomike88 (11:39:49 PM) : i can hear them talking about my activity im trying to make them do
GWiYoNo (11:40:28 PM) : LOL
GWiYoNo (11:40:32 PM) : do you hate them already
Neomike88 (11:40:35 PM) : lol
GWiYoNo (11:40:39 PM) : maybe they trying to make a point
GWiYoNo (11:40:40 PM) : lol
Neomike88 (11:40:43 PM) : they didnt talk bad about my activity
Neomike88 (11:40:48 PM) : just said their lazy
GWiYoNo (11:40:55 PM) : oh
GWiYoNo (11:40:56 PM) : lol
GWiYoNo (11:40:57 PM) : good
Neomike88 (11:40:57 PM) : i doubt they know i can hear them
Neomike88 (11:40:59 PM) : for now
GWiYoNo (11:41:02 PM) : LOL
Neomike88 (11:42:06 PM) : im thinking if i should say something
Neomike88 (11:42:13 PM) : or just turn up the tv or something
Neomike88 (11:42:21 PM) : ive been coughing...
GWiYoNo (11:42:27 PM) : well what you gonna say
GWiYoNo (11:42:30 PM) : LOLOLOLOL
GWiYoNo (11:42:36 PM) : you're good mike
Neomike88 (11:42:44 PM) : "i hear everything you say"
Neomike88 (11:42:50 PM) : from outside my window
Neomike88 (11:42:55 PM) : =D
GWiYoNo (11:43:23 PM) : be like
GWiYoNo (11:43:26 PM) : hey guys
GWiYoNo (11:43:29 PM) : SHH
Neomike88 (11:44:26 PM) : Lol
Worst spelling attempt... ever:
I think I got excited because I was filling http://www.kashi.com/stealacookie/getmycookie out.
I think I got excited because I was filling http://www.kashi.com/stealacookie/getmycookie out.
GWiYoNo (10:37:16 PM) : thats what she said
Tomcat 155 (10:37:59 PM) : No, that's what he said.
GWiYoNo (10:38:09 PM) : ew...
GWiYoNo (10:38:10 PM) : are u
Tomcat 155 (10:38:14 PM) : No.
GWiYoNo (10:38:22 PM) : o
Tomcat 155 (10:38:23 PM) : But he was.
Tomcat 155 (10:38:26 PM) : lol..
GWiYoNo (10:38:58 PM) : wow
GWiYoNo (10:39:03 PM) : lol
Tomcat 155 (10:39:37 PM) : lol.

still a work in progress.
this will be on two joined pieces of paper, landscape. then laminated.
then, i will be cutting up sheet protectors to make pockets.
the pockets infront of the brown building (between 3-5 residents) will have their names on them.
then there will be pockets for ralphs, class, the beach, and geisel library (last two still need work).
little awesome-o is up on the top left. ill use that word bubble for notes/reminders. dry erase marker.
last, i can either:
#1 - use random south park characters
#2 - facebook stalk residents and use profile pictures to make custom characters
#3 - have them make their own characters and send them to me sometime in the first week
#4 - go by first/last name and assume skin color (okay.. maybe not this one)
thats about it. yay, friday! gotta catch up on sleeps...
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