EVERYONE has English 10 hrns SECond period.. =(=(=(
i have it third. with Kent at least.
Megan i have AP chem with you and melissa! yayyyyy.. and Math with you of course.. but thats a given, haha
heres my schedule :
AP Chem - hunter - morning?!?!?!
AP world history- perkovich hm.. heard she was nice..
English 10 Hrns- Ferdinansen ... yay shes cool
Chinese 2- Tsai wong .. blended class? crajee
PE - Olsson .. football or basketbal coach? ouch
Adv Math Analysis-Denhartog .. nooOo im going to miss it a lot cuz its last period.. aiyah
it was SO hot walking to registration!! goshhh!!!!! So sweaty, grosssss.. =(
Hm.. clubs to join.. KEy Club.. Jr larcs again Megan? I duno we were so uninvolved i felt kinda bad.. uhm.. other than that.. Chinese? maybe.. what else.. oh yeah.. Environmental! haha.. Hug trees =D woot woot. what else? ah. enough clubs.
whats mesa? isnt that the math/science club thing?
im so stupid, i still haven't turned in the english yet.. yikes.
I dont think u have scoliosis Michael.. although I have semi .. sort of..
well yeah thats about it... whee.. I had a tennis lesson yesterday it was a lotttt of funn..
Simran isn't going to do tennis im sad =( now i have no one to play with. *Sniff*
EVERYONE has English 10 hrns SECond period.. =(=(=(
i have it third. with Kent at least.
Megan i have AP chem with you and melissa! yayyyyy.. and Math with you of course.. but thats a given, haha
heres my schedule :
AP Chem - hunter - morning?!?!?!
AP world history- perkovich hm.. heard she was nice..
English 10 Hrns- Ferdinansen ... yay shes cool
Chinese 2- Tsai wong .. blended class? crajee
PE - Olsson .. football or basketbal coach? ouch
Adv Math Analysis-Denhartog .. nooOo im going to miss it a lot cuz its last period.. aiyah
it was SO hot walking to registration!! goshhh!!!!! So sweaty, grosssss.. =(
Hm.. clubs to join.. KEy Club.. Jr larcs again Megan? I duno we were so uninvolved i felt kinda bad.. uhm.. other than that.. Chinese? maybe.. what else.. oh yeah.. Environmental! haha.. Hug trees =D woot woot. what else? ah. enough clubs.
whats mesa? isnt that the math/science club thing?
im so stupid, i still haven't turned in the english yet.. yikes.
I dont think u have scoliosis Michael.. although I have semi .. sort of..
well yeah thats about it... whee.. I had a tennis lesson yesterday it was a lotttt of funn..
Simran isn't going to do tennis im sad =( now i have no one to play with. *Sniff*
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