is it me, or is the blog not showing up?
o well, ill blog anyhow
well, jazz band had their first 'rehearsal' (for the first week, they only have them to see how good people are, and to see what band they will go into , which is either A or B) so... i didn't go to that
i guess that mike said it was very time gobbling.......and time has always been against everyone
if i take key club, i'd be pretty busy doing volunteer work
jazz band ............. seems to me.... like.......dunno
its cool and all, jazz is a very fun style of music to play
but i dont know.....
school takes up a lot of time, u know, the homework and all
and finally, i can see the amount of pressure i'm going to have the rest of the year
chinese 3.....that's a challenge....
im gonna hafta get better at sentence structure and memorizing everything........
darn... today was wacked......
if jason wasn't there, i woulda been screwed
mike and steve were all confused when we listened to the recordings.....
i couldn't even make 10 sentences.........
well, chemistry is gonna be a challenge
im not entirely a fan of science......(science fiction? lol)
science fiction is tite, u know....star wars and all
well, i remember mike struggling with chem last year
complaining about all the very hard math stuff and crap.....
i hope that mirigian is nice and easy.......but we already have a lab tomorrow
which sucks........and also another negative is that i hardly know anyone else in the class
except for about 3 sophomores (wow, its weird calling myself a sophomore....being a freshman is so cool)
but i dont like some freshman, so immature they are
Ap world is wacked
i feel like i know more than half the class......crajee
well, anyways, that has a lot of homework...
but i have this mindset of it being much easier since i originally signed up for AP US
which i guess i'll take next year......
school is............................BAD
i was wondering how much i acutally learn during the school year
i normally only remember SOME things that the teacher will yell out at us, the rest goes away, completely forgotten about until the next test
but, i know that i am somewhat smarted........i know more..........and become somewhat wiser
lol, it should be like the matrix, u know.....downloading stuff into your brain
but in a world like that, it would be basically classless
sort of like........dunno
because, if everyone knew everything, that would be wack
.............................no businesses.........
people could try to steal things from your house with their expert skills, but you would have your expert alarm system
the worold is not meant to be like that
this is a rather long discussion, actually its a monologue...but however
its a rather monologues.........well, i have to make a paper quilt about my nationality
like just putin up a chinese flag......but you see, im not exactly a supporter of the people's replubic of china
communism is just evil.......its like the devil!
actually, it was thought up by the devil anyways.....so it IS the devil
ever wonder?........
so, did anyone see mars last ngiht/today? i saw it at band.....................
its was a rather small reddish/orange dot......
i was thinkin it would be easier to send something to mars NOW because it's just that much closer......but i dunno
were there any recent launches? im sure any astronomer (or was it something else)
has taken millions of pictures of it all ready
wait, who studies planets? ..... cosmonaut? blah....who cares
so now the summer is like, a thing of the past
mr mirigian has a count down on his board.....like 176 days of school left or something.....lol
summer was fun.......
school sux..........
u know what? school feels so long now...........each day is takin half a life-time......lol
yup, half........
so.........tuesday night suxorz........but its so cool that i have easy classes (semi-easy) on wednesday
because i can hardly do any work on tuesday nights.........so ya
this 2 hour stuff suxorz............band sucked because of sitting out in the sun
lol............our chinese teacher......tsai wong..........got hot because she stepped out of her classroom for about 5 minutes......
5 minutes in the shade and she is like dying of heat......................................................................
i dont like people like that, i dont like weak people
why? i dont know, i just dont like them.........
maybe its this wacked instinct............
o ya...............at band
i guess that they assumed that i wasn't using my locker (which i wasn't, but i was planning to)
so they gave it to someone else? now how odd is that....i really dont know.......
maybe someone just jacked my combo and started using my locker
well, i know their combination
i know the person
and i dont like the person
i ........................
u know what? hate is a very strong word.......
sometimes i feel dumb for being in lower classes......
but then there are people way below me......
i was wondering why there are people so.............................................................slow
in my CHEM class, there are seniors in there just trying to pass the class so they can graduate
now, im not omparing myself to them, but........that's extremely sad..........................
..................................AP classes officially scare me.........................................
o well, this is BY FAR the longest blog in this blog's history, and it will now be posted
but i have so many things to talk about........
right now im listening to a osm sax quartet.....its so good
i wish that when im older, i can write music like that...............
...............................my future is very uncertain
i have this thought right now that i can do anything i want to do.........
like, i could suddenly decide to teach ............
or i could suddenly become a coach......
a business major...........
a computer person.....technician.......programmer.............telecommunications........advertising...........
so many paths.........
*well, its time to eat...............dinner calls
o well, ill blog anyhow
well, jazz band had their first 'rehearsal' (for the first week, they only have them to see how good people are, and to see what band they will go into , which is either A or B) so... i didn't go to that
i guess that mike said it was very time gobbling.......and time has always been against everyone
if i take key club, i'd be pretty busy doing volunteer work
jazz band ............. seems to me.... like.......dunno
its cool and all, jazz is a very fun style of music to play
but i dont know.....
school takes up a lot of time, u know, the homework and all
and finally, i can see the amount of pressure i'm going to have the rest of the year
chinese 3.....that's a challenge....
im gonna hafta get better at sentence structure and memorizing everything........
darn... today was wacked......
if jason wasn't there, i woulda been screwed
mike and steve were all confused when we listened to the recordings.....
i couldn't even make 10 sentences.........
well, chemistry is gonna be a challenge
im not entirely a fan of science......(science fiction? lol)
science fiction is tite, u know....star wars and all
well, i remember mike struggling with chem last year
complaining about all the very hard math stuff and crap.....
i hope that mirigian is nice and easy.......but we already have a lab tomorrow
which sucks........and also another negative is that i hardly know anyone else in the class
except for about 3 sophomores (wow, its weird calling myself a sophomore....being a freshman is so cool)
but i dont like some freshman, so immature they are
Ap world is wacked
i feel like i know more than half the class......crajee
well, anyways, that has a lot of homework...
but i have this mindset of it being much easier since i originally signed up for AP US
which i guess i'll take next year......
school is............................BAD
i was wondering how much i acutally learn during the school year
i normally only remember SOME things that the teacher will yell out at us, the rest goes away, completely forgotten about until the next test
but, i know that i am somewhat smarted........i know more..........and become somewhat wiser
lol, it should be like the matrix, u know.....downloading stuff into your brain
but in a world like that, it would be basically classless
sort of like........dunno
because, if everyone knew everything, that would be wack
.............................no businesses.........
people could try to steal things from your house with their expert skills, but you would have your expert alarm system
the worold is not meant to be like that
this is a rather long discussion, actually its a monologue...but however
its a rather monologues.........well, i have to make a paper quilt about my nationality
like just putin up a chinese flag......but you see, im not exactly a supporter of the people's replubic of china
communism is just evil.......its like the devil!
actually, it was thought up by the devil anyways.....so it IS the devil
ever wonder?........
so, did anyone see mars last ngiht/today? i saw it at band.....................
its was a rather small reddish/orange dot......
i was thinkin it would be easier to send something to mars NOW because it's just that much closer......but i dunno
were there any recent launches? im sure any astronomer (or was it something else)
has taken millions of pictures of it all ready
wait, who studies planets? ..... cosmonaut? blah....who cares
so now the summer is like, a thing of the past
mr mirigian has a count down on his board.....like 176 days of school left or something.....lol
summer was fun.......
school sux..........
u know what? school feels so long now...........each day is takin half a life-time......lol
yup, half........
so.........tuesday night suxorz........but its so cool that i have easy classes (semi-easy) on wednesday
because i can hardly do any work on tuesday nights.........so ya
this 2 hour stuff suxorz............band sucked because of sitting out in the sun
lol............our chinese teacher......tsai wong..........got hot because she stepped out of her classroom for about 5 minutes......
5 minutes in the shade and she is like dying of heat......................................................................
i dont like people like that, i dont like weak people
why? i dont know, i just dont like them.........
maybe its this wacked instinct............
o ya...............at band
i guess that they assumed that i wasn't using my locker (which i wasn't, but i was planning to)
so they gave it to someone else? now how odd is that....i really dont know.......
maybe someone just jacked my combo and started using my locker
well, i know their combination
i know the person
and i dont like the person
i ........................
u know what? hate is a very strong word.......
sometimes i feel dumb for being in lower classes......
but then there are people way below me......
i was wondering why there are people so.............................................................slow
in my CHEM class, there are seniors in there just trying to pass the class so they can graduate
now, im not omparing myself to them, but........that's extremely sad..........................
..................................AP classes officially scare me.........................................
o well, this is BY FAR the longest blog in this blog's history, and it will now be posted
but i have so many things to talk about........
right now im listening to a osm sax quartet.....its so good
i wish that when im older, i can write music like that...............
...............................my future is very uncertain
i have this thought right now that i can do anything i want to do.........
like, i could suddenly decide to teach ............
or i could suddenly become a coach......
a business major...........
a computer person.....technician.......programmer.............telecommunications........advertising...........
so many paths.........
*well, its time to eat...............dinner calls
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