ive been busy recently...
went to LA and my cousin came over for a couple of days
we played CS and BW for numerous hours... eyes = bad
uh...somethin wacked happened yesterday...
when i opened up our blog...pr0n popped up...
....megan sure did name off a lot of food...
yup, band camp starts in BASICALLY 2 days...
tomorrow is bein used for uniform junk...
all those uniforms should burn...
well, this year we're playing ominous music called 'the night at bald mountain' or somethin like it
seems easy 2 me...
except that i have to (well, its a good thing) use my cr@p s@x for marching
i cant play that out-of-tune-piece-of-crap thing...
......................what to say..................................
ya, we all got called freshies except for me......
that's it for me
went to LA and my cousin came over for a couple of days
we played CS and BW for numerous hours... eyes = bad
uh...somethin wacked happened yesterday...
when i opened up our blog...pr0n popped up...
....megan sure did name off a lot of food...
yup, band camp starts in BASICALLY 2 days...
tomorrow is bein used for uniform junk...
all those uniforms should burn...
well, this year we're playing ominous music called 'the night at bald mountain' or somethin like it
seems easy 2 me...
except that i have to (well, its a good thing) use my cr@p s@x for marching
i cant play that out-of-tune-piece-of-crap thing...
......................what to say..................................
ya, we all got called freshies except for me......
that's it for me
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