time to revitalize this old blogger.....
well, for about an hour (or less) i studied 6 chapters for world hist.....which we have a big test in on friday
=/ its coming along..... i wonder how well i'll do
well mike, if you want to take a web page class, you should take a web page class..........i may want to take a programming class....lol
that'd be so hard..........................i wonder how long.............it takes to develop a program.............
hmm........................................maybe i could be a computer guy....................maybe.......................
a computer programmer........................or what about a designer................
i noticed i've really been thinking about my career lately...................................hmm..............
i wonder if i can take a night class at fresno state.......so i could have summer school and a night class.....wow, that'd be a productive summer
i like productive summers..........yes i do
having no break stinks, but i like having a productive summer
anyways, once i get home from SS i cant do anything relaxing anyways............my parents..........
well i could get some college credit in.....and learn something, maybe? i dont know.........maybe i'll take a ENGLISH class....wow
but it would help me through my history classes and my english class......but i dunno
or i could take a computer class.......................to see if i like it
i dont know
i'm also trying to 'masta da clar' so i can get into jr. syph or something syph....wutever one kenny is in
i cant really play the clarinet too well.................................................................i guess i need a new reed
i've still been procrastinating on my reed buying.......i needa buy some superial reeds.........the 'good' ones
i think it cost about 15-20 dollars a box, not cheap stuff..........
i still hafta decide whether i'll take jazz band next year too.................the thing that scares me away is IMPROVISATION....
ya.....playing random notes...................................................
but since i am somewhat a perfectionist (a lazy perfectionist that is.......lol) i....................just can't play anything
i noticed that i can think of a song in my head, but i cant play it...........................funny
well, i have a sax lesson tomorrow, better get cracking..........................
i was wondering.....whose going to be our DM next year? i think i COULD do it........but i dont know if i WOULD
also, what about wind ensemble..............i wonder how good sumair really is
and i also wonder about my skills
and anthony's abilities..............
i'm sure sumair has practiced somewhat..............................................so i needa beat them all
quite the challenge
hmm.......i needa give my parents the thing that says we gotta cough up $650 by oct. 7th.....
today, ray said that he prob wont be able to go cause he would have to pay for himself......and he said he'd have to get some sort of job
$650....5-6 days...................impossible
he asked me to lend him 650...................... =0
ya right.......
well, for about an hour (or less) i studied 6 chapters for world hist.....which we have a big test in on friday
=/ its coming along..... i wonder how well i'll do
well mike, if you want to take a web page class, you should take a web page class..........i may want to take a programming class....lol
that'd be so hard..........................i wonder how long.............it takes to develop a program.............
hmm........................................maybe i could be a computer guy....................maybe.......................
a computer programmer........................or what about a designer................
i noticed i've really been thinking about my career lately...................................hmm..............
i wonder if i can take a night class at fresno state.......so i could have summer school and a night class.....wow, that'd be a productive summer
i like productive summers..........yes i do
having no break stinks, but i like having a productive summer
anyways, once i get home from SS i cant do anything relaxing anyways............my parents..........
well i could get some college credit in.....and learn something, maybe? i dont know.........maybe i'll take a ENGLISH class....wow
but it would help me through my history classes and my english class......but i dunno
or i could take a computer class.......................to see if i like it
i dont know
i'm also trying to 'masta da clar' so i can get into jr. syph or something syph....wutever one kenny is in
i cant really play the clarinet too well.................................................................i guess i need a new reed
i've still been procrastinating on my reed buying.......i needa buy some superial reeds.........the 'good' ones
i think it cost about 15-20 dollars a box, not cheap stuff..........
i still hafta decide whether i'll take jazz band next year too.................the thing that scares me away is IMPROVISATION....
ya.....playing random notes...................................................
but since i am somewhat a perfectionist (a lazy perfectionist that is.......lol) i....................just can't play anything
i noticed that i can think of a song in my head, but i cant play it...........................funny
well, i have a sax lesson tomorrow, better get cracking..........................
i was wondering.....whose going to be our DM next year? i think i COULD do it........but i dont know if i WOULD
also, what about wind ensemble..............i wonder how good sumair really is
and i also wonder about my skills
and anthony's abilities..............
i'm sure sumair has practiced somewhat..............................................so i needa beat them all
quite the challenge
hmm.......i needa give my parents the thing that says we gotta cough up $650 by oct. 7th.....
today, ray said that he prob wont be able to go cause he would have to pay for himself......and he said he'd have to get some sort of job
$650....5-6 days...................impossible
he asked me to lend him 650...................... =0
ya right.......
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