
who wants to scare kids?
I need key clubbers who are interested in volunteering at a haunted house. The coordinator said [verbatim], "I need scary, creepy and nice people." He wants us to either 1) hand out candy or 2) wear scary costumes and jump out at little kids. Yessss.

wow that sounds cool.. if its not on halloween, i'll do it...
hmm doesn't seem like community service but ok : )


somewhat changed:

Language Skills Exercise

1. I agree with this editorial because it makes many strong arguments and fascinating points.

2. People today have totally lost the concept of guilt; no one thinks about it. Whatever happens because of their mistakes just happens.

3. It is better to feel guilty about plotting a wrong action than really doing it.

4. But there are some people who don�t have an ounce of shame at all; guilt is supposed to teach morals, I don�t see why people try to avoid it.

5. I truly think this editorial was well written and brought out.

6. The feeling of guilt is a very broad topic.

7. My opinion of the editorial is that the statements made were very true.

8. Guilt is also a trigger that responds to consequences of our negative actions.

9. Sometimes one needs to feel guilty so that the good person inside can come out. This makes a better person that everyone likes. You will even like yourself more every time you do something nice for someone, even if you don�t have to.

10. If you do something you�re not supposed to, it might be better to be punished then than to live with the guilt.

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