
*this is somewhat cleaner....i sorta got lazy towards the end*

1. The road from Tana to China should be perfectly safe during night and day, no matter what other merchants may say about it. On the trip, a guide and interpreter should be taken along. This excerpt was written by Francesco Balducci Pegolotti on trade between Europe and China.

2. Saint Francis of Assisi usually said this to oppressors of the poor. If someone injured a poor man, he injured Christ. The poor man represents Christ, who made himself poor in the world.

3. This passage, written by Gregory VII, is describing the pope � he is portrayed as the most powerful person in the world.

4. From the speech of Robert the monk, shows that the city is in sin, and it is the enemy of Christ, but it is able to be ridden of its sins if they make pilgrimages to Christ (not sure if this is correct, at all.)

5. Also from Thomas Celano, illustrates the personality to St. Francis. Shows that St. Francis was extremely devoted to God and didn't pay much attention to the world


1. The church officials and the government had disputes about who would appoint church officials. There were some people who despised the clergy, and those people formed separate groups. The Cathars was one of the groups that promoted alternate religious movements.

2. While merchants and workers had their own guilds that controlled economies, students and teachers formed academic guilds. Both of these guilds had regulations along with standards.

3. Scholastics tried to merge Christian beliefs with Greek logic; this led to different groups that started the crusades, which were holy wars. These groups attempted to win back different groups into Christianity.

4. Scandinavians attempted to expand to Vinland, but they ultimately failed because of the stormy seas. Sicily was conquered by Norman warriors. The Europeans began to expand from their homes in search for new lands.

5. Normans were situated on France's peninsula which allowed them access to water and the Normans were descendants of the Vikings so they were able to utilize their excellent seafaring skills and invade foreign countries.

6. An article called, "The Five Ways," was written by St. Thomas Aquinas; it shows that people have been trying to show God exists since the high middle ages.

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