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So far, no one that I have talked to (which includes an array of atleast 10 people) like Alan

So Mike, the true question is, do you really want him to be here?
Why am I even making a deal out of it? Does it even matter?
In the larger scheme of things, this decision will do nothing.
But a bridge has been burned... and it will not be rebuilt.

I personally frown at those who constantly curse, it's not a good habit.
And couldn't you just calm down for a while? It's crazy, your life must suck as much as mine.
Essentially loners.

Why do suicide rates rise after someone has committed suicide? On the island of Micronesia a man committed suicide because he felt that his life wouldn't get any better. Several months/weeks later other men committed suicide. Why? They felt that there was an place to escape to after fulfilling their task at hand.

Why do these ideas spread? After someone first does the action, others get the same idea and accept it as a social norm (especially if it is a "celebrity," such as the case of Marilyn Monroe) so they could do the same thing. People want to be accepted/elevated by society... humans are social creatures that sometimes or always need attention. Committing suicide was a form of communication. It says "I'm so fed up with this world, that I want to leave." Why not permanently leave by ending your own life? After all, these people believe that after death on this earth they will never experience pain again. One man in Micronesia committed suicide because his father yelled at him... he needed to be socially accepted, but after years of neglect the sorrow/anger built up in him and he decided to end his life.

These thoughts are interesting... I myself have seen that people are socially pressured to do certain things. Why follow the crowd? Because you don't stand out, you're the same as everyone else, you're accepted by other people because they are just like you. Why not stick out? Why not be the odd-one out? Because everybody else looks at you funny.

Peer pressure is the strongest influence of all. If everyone in the class cheated (and I mean everyone)... and there was a substitute teacher sleeping in the back... would you cheat? What if your neighbor had a paper on his/her backpack right next to you, would you look? Of course you would -- we don't want to be the odd one out. (Redundancy sucks... lol)

Hmm... next possible topic for the phat 3-4 page essay... DRUGS!!

Drugs have fueled gangs and gangs have fueled violence. Trading in drugs is very profitable and just as illegal. In some communities where law enforcement has essentially become as effective as stop signs, gangs, drugs and guns rule the streets. Drugs, such as cocaine have been known to cause disease epidemics because they lead the user to risky behavior which could eventually spread things such as HIV and syphilis.

This topic sucks

im bored... and none of the topics that i have can work

... 3-4 pages of absolute fluff... great
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