Hello Professor O'connor,
I hope your having a great spring break. The reason for my email is that I believe I should have earned a better grade than posted on tritonlink. Calculating my past midterms and looking at the final grading scale, according to my grade posted last night, I earned around 50/200 points on the final. I am currently not in San Diego for spring break, but I was hoping that you can send my raw score on the final through email (if possible). I strongly feel that (and looking at the answer key) I did better than 50 points on the final. If its just a mix up with calculations, please just email me when you can. If my final score is around 50 or so, I please request a regrade. I know your deadline is today so would like to put in my request now but would be happy to give you my test in person when I get back. Otherwise, my test should still be sitting in the pile in Pacific Hall. My name is Michael Anthony Siy and my student ID is A*******. I received a 48 on the first midterm and a 65 on the second. I received a C- on tritonlink. Please email me or call me at 559-313-5858 if there is any problems or anything I need to do. I am sorry I cannot do this in person. I will be back in SD Sunday night.
Thanks for a very stimulating class,
Michael Siy
I hope your having a great spring break. The reason for my email is that I believe I should have earned a better grade than posted on tritonlink. Calculating my past midterms and looking at the final grading scale, according to my grade posted last night, I earned around 50/200 points on the final. I am currently not in San Diego for spring break, but I was hoping that you can send my raw score on the final through email (if possible). I strongly feel that (and looking at the answer key) I did better than 50 points on the final. If its just a mix up with calculations, please just email me when you can. If my final score is around 50 or so, I please request a regrade. I know your deadline is today so would like to put in my request now but would be happy to give you my test in person when I get back. Otherwise, my test should still be sitting in the pile in Pacific Hall. My name is Michael Anthony Siy and my student ID is A*******. I received a 48 on the first midterm and a 65 on the second. I received a C- on tritonlink. Please email me or call me at 559-313-5858 if there is any problems or anything I need to do. I am sorry I cannot do this in person. I will be back in SD Sunday night.
Thanks for a very stimulating class,
Michael Siy

Dear Michael: You did very well on the final (151/200), but the TAs have no record of your 1st an 2nd exam scores.
Prof. O
Prof. Joseph O'Connor
Department of Chemistry 0358
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0358

Hi Prof. O'connor,
I'm not sure why that is but I did take the exams. I still have them in my apartment, is it possible for me to bring them to you on Monday? I believe on the second exam my "y" looked like a "g" so it may have appeared as "Michael Sig." What can I do to fix my grade? Please contact me as soon as possible. I believe I should have earned a B+ instead of a C-.
Thanks again,
Michael Siy
I'm not sure why that is but I did take the exams. I still have them in my apartment, is it possible for me to bring them to you on Monday? I believe on the second exam my "y" looked like a "g" so it may have appeared as "Michael Sig." What can I do to fix my grade? Please contact me as soon as possible. I believe I should have earned a B+ instead of a C-.
Thanks again,
Michael Siy

I think I see the problem. Your first two exams are recorded under Michael Sig.
You have 264 total points which is a B+. I will put through a grade change form.
Prof. O
well that was fun. sigh. a B+.. well i did raise it from a B- and at least it isn't a C-
=/ only 18 more points on the final would have gotten me an A-. should not have messed up the first midterm.
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