wonda who gonna be them drum major next yearz.......................
man.....would be..........dunno............who could be.....................
well, whoever it is, i hope they are not 'anal and uptight' about......
everything....that would suck........man.......................................
hehe, matt sez that ill be drum major next year, lol.....................
funnay.....who be thee of thine importance of thee bandoz...........
dunnoz.................mebbe they'll give us food
man.....would be..........dunno............who could be.....................
well, whoever it is, i hope they are not 'anal and uptight' about......
everything....that would suck........man.......................................
hehe, matt sez that ill be drum major next year, lol.....................
funnay.....who be thee of thine importance of thee bandoz...........
dunnoz.................mebbe they'll give us food
hi mike, u should make sum more entries....ya, my summer will b busy too.......
im planning to do a whole lotta stuff, and if i do something.......ill never be able to stay up late on saturday night.........
i got into alg 2 honors....seemed sorta easy....i was like 99% sure i would make it.....lol....
english is my worst subject, but im in honors, but im barely hanging onto a B-
this is something that mrs. rakis wrote as a comment in one of my most recent essays.......
"You and only you alone...something something........4got wut actually sed......are the only person who did not learn ASNYTHING throughout the whole year"
wut a great comment.........i feel just........all warm and fuzzy
but as I look back, i dont think i learned anything, so, its a true statement
i dont think she actually taught us anything.......or mebbe i just have the memory of a goldfish..........
ya, i dont remember learning anything, just the thesis paragraph........................thingy.........i mean sentence......
dude, im dumb when it comes to english, but I read, so i understand stuff more than other people
people who dont read are justr stupid idiots......darn lazy people
im planning to do a whole lotta stuff, and if i do something.......ill never be able to stay up late on saturday night.........
i got into alg 2 honors....seemed sorta easy....i was like 99% sure i would make it.....lol....
english is my worst subject, but im in honors, but im barely hanging onto a B-
this is something that mrs. rakis wrote as a comment in one of my most recent essays.......
"You and only you alone...something something........4got wut actually sed......are the only person who did not learn ASNYTHING throughout the whole year"
wut a great comment.........i feel just........all warm and fuzzy
but as I look back, i dont think i learned anything, so, its a true statement
i dont think she actually taught us anything.......or mebbe i just have the memory of a goldfish..........
ya, i dont remember learning anything, just the thesis paragraph........................thingy.........i mean sentence......
dude, im dumb when it comes to english, but I read, so i understand stuff more than other people
people who dont read are justr stupid idiots......darn lazy people
I see our title has change...
i should work on the portfolio thing too..
my english teacher is crazy.. she expects us to read the romeo and juliet thing in the green book, do portfolio day, do an I-search, and english finals these last six weeks...
i guess we could do it but still...
I think the summer is going to be pretty busy for me...
sigh.. i didn't get in to algerbra 2 honors.. i undersand that it was a hard thing to do but still...
math was never my best subject though...
I'm sleepy so good night (good night = stay up 4 more hours)
i should work on the portfolio thing too..
my english teacher is crazy.. she expects us to read the romeo and juliet thing in the green book, do portfolio day, do an I-search, and english finals these last six weeks...
i guess we could do it but still...
I think the summer is going to be pretty busy for me...
sigh.. i didn't get in to algerbra 2 honors.. i undersand that it was a hard thing to do but still...
math was never my best subject though...
I'm sleepy so good night (good night = stay up 4 more hours)
portfolio day is gonna suck
portfolio day is gonna suck
how is everyone doing? my new resolution is to not be on AIM too much until i finish my portolio.........
well...ehehe, i guess aaron told grace that i was rich..............................................................im not particulary rich........
but we do hold some money
well, how is sverything going? I guess mike hardly ever types in this thing anymore, but intend to do so every so often...
man, i really need to work on my grades.......i have like a............bad gpa
i need to bring up my chinese grade again.......and i need to seriously maintain my english
well...ehehe, i guess aaron told grace that i was rich..............................................................im not particulary rich........
but we do hold some money
well, how is sverything going? I guess mike hardly ever types in this thing anymore, but intend to do so every so often...
man, i really need to work on my grades.......i have like a............bad gpa
i need to bring up my chinese grade again.......and i need to seriously maintain my english
Yeah, I agree to the fact that the time flew by fast.
It might be because of day light saving time or when I sleep in really late.
My progress report had an 3.8 GPA... all As but one B (in chem)
I'm tried, i needa finish chem homework so night...
It might be because of day light saving time or when I sleep in really late.
My progress report had an 3.8 GPA... all As but one B (in chem)
I'm tried, i needa finish chem homework so night...
ah man, this weekend was tite and all, but i was tired the whole time, and it flew by too fast......and now i got sum stuff to do
i was too lazy to update this stupid thing.......mc should put something of importance on here.......................
i wanna sleep all day long, but i gotta work on da stupid piano theory........
wuts with my cs skeelz......................................................mang, i wanna play sum new game, something that people will buy items 4.......cause i just like that, and im bored..................................................................................gotta have something to do, besides work..........
i was too lazy to update this stupid thing.......mc should put something of importance on here.......................
i wanna sleep all day long, but i gotta work on da stupid piano theory........
wuts with my cs skeelz......................................................mang, i wanna play sum new game, something that people will buy items 4.......cause i just like that, and im bored..................................................................................gotta have something to do, besides work..........
yay.. weekend..
so sad about, u know wat, at u know where, during u know when...
lol..jason.. thats funny yet somthing.. cant think of any words...
im done...
so sad about, u know wat, at u know where, during u know when...
lol..jason.. thats funny yet somthing.. cant think of any words...
im done...
i just had the weirdest feeling, in the area of my chest.......i was playing a rather loud note on the sax, a long phrase at that too
i was using a whole lot of air, then all the sudden i ran out of breathe, but i still was playing the note super loud.......then all the sudden
it seemed like.....................i dont know, but there was 2 things in my chest touching eachother, and it was EXTREMELY warm........
what is it............
i was using a whole lot of air, then all the sudden i ran out of breathe, but i still was playing the note super loud.......then all the sudden
it seemed like.....................i dont know, but there was 2 things in my chest touching eachother, and it was EXTREMELY warm........
what is it............
well i bought golden sun 2.... ima play it i guess
i needa pratice my instrument..
only $4,500 on ebay... heh... : (
looks so nice...
i needa pratice my instrument..
only $4,500 on ebay... heh... : (
looks so nice...
A court appearance for a traffic citation turned into a more serious problem for a Carlsbad teen when he dropped a marijuana joint in the courtroom.
Robin Loftin, 18, was charged with contempt of court and sentenced to two days in jail for taking the illegal substance into Judge Walter Parr's courtroom at magistrate court.
According to court records, Loftin was in court Tuesday on charges of driving with a suspended driver's license and failure to renew his vehicle registration.
After the judge entered the courtroom, Loftin removed the hat he was wearing and the marijuana joint fell from the hat onto the floor.
Robin Loftin, 18, was charged with contempt of court and sentenced to two days in jail for taking the illegal substance into Judge Walter Parr's courtroom at magistrate court.
According to court records, Loftin was in court Tuesday on charges of driving with a suspended driver's license and failure to renew his vehicle registration.
After the judge entered the courtroom, Loftin removed the hat he was wearing and the marijuana joint fell from the hat onto the floor.
so.....ya, ill need the gun.......lol.........
funny how saddam is........
so............wut is up......i dont think that golden sun 2 would be too great, the first one was bad..........anyways, they're making golden sun into a series, so u'll see a lot more games........mebbe it'll end up like the nintendo version of final fantasy.................
how'd u get that picture in there?........i was just trying to.......
.......well, i rather be further in school than have sectionals, but then again, do i hafta practice? hehe
........................................................lotta periods............................
so, did u hear about trent?........so sad
i do believe that teenagers think they're invincible, or atleast i do.....
ever think about dying? u may think about it, but not truly seriously................
funny how saddam is........
so............wut is up......i dont think that golden sun 2 would be too great, the first one was bad..........anyways, they're making golden sun into a series, so u'll see a lot more games........mebbe it'll end up like the nintendo version of final fantasy.................
how'd u get that picture in there?........i was just trying to.......
.......well, i rather be further in school than have sectionals, but then again, do i hafta practice? hehe
........................................................lotta periods............................
so, did u hear about trent?........so sad
i do believe that teenagers think they're invincible, or atleast i do.....
ever think about dying? u may think about it, but not truly seriously................
yeah ... im still awake....
hey jason, ima get u this for ur birthday:
http://www.fresnobee.com/24hour/iraq/photos/story/865958p-6048021c.html ----> for story thing...
hehe..j/k... soo shinny....
hey jason, ima get u this for ur birthday:
http://www.fresnobee.com/24hour/iraq/photos/story/865958p-6048021c.html ----> for story thing...

hehe..j/k... soo shinny....
aww jason.. urs is longer... o well .. u got a lot of "...", i got some... : )
jason i think u need this
lol look at the reviews....haha
jason i think u need this
lol look at the reviews....haha
so i guess this is supposed to be the super long blog... here it goes:
uh, im soo happy i dont have to test (in band) till friday... that gives me 2 extra days
much needed pratice too..
so uh i think im getting worse in counter strike, my scores are lower than usual..
havent played d2 in a while...
state testing was fun!!!
hmmm im lookin at this Maaco ad... "uh-oh better get Maaco"
yeah... neopets, im kinda getting back in to it, my biggest goal is to get my pet really really strong..
so wat else,
this blog is cool, yep
i think if jason stops cubin for two months and i keep cubin everyday.. i could beat him..
hehehe soo... wat time is it, 9:30 eh..
i needa pratice my instrument then i think im done
oh yeah.. my parents friends said i would grow in to my long arms and get taller
yeah, so how long is this really supposed to be..
if ur reading rite now, u got a bunch of time on ur hands or ur just plain bored.
the question of this moment is should i put vaseline in my scooby doo keychain..
cause if i do and it pops or explodes all the nasty stuff gets on ur hands..
on the other hand it doesnt turn very well..
for everyone who doesnt know.. i made english 10 honors.. but i think everyone that tried made it in...
i wonder if i get in to algebra 2 honors.. i think jason has a better chance..
im not quite sure wat were doing in chinese tomorrow...
or chemistry.. cause i wasnt there on monday
well im still swimming in Pe class.. wat else..
is golden sun 2 out? i dunno but heard it was .. hmm im just to lazy to check
if it is out, i wanna get it... im still not finished with the first game... i went extremly far but stopped for a while and forgot my place...
i wanna drive, or at least start drivers ed... but im still, unfortunly, young..
i'll have to do it during summer vacation or should i say summer school...
Mr. levit wouldnt let me in to Ap US history... but i heard it was a hard class so i dont care.. i should have tooken another AP science insted of sectional woodwinds...
atleast i'll get more pratice on my instrument...
and thats my life story.. lol..
well i think im done.. thank you and good night.
uh, im soo happy i dont have to test (in band) till friday... that gives me 2 extra days
much needed pratice too..
so uh i think im getting worse in counter strike, my scores are lower than usual..
havent played d2 in a while...
state testing was fun!!!
hmmm im lookin at this Maaco ad... "uh-oh better get Maaco"
yeah... neopets, im kinda getting back in to it, my biggest goal is to get my pet really really strong..
so wat else,
this blog is cool, yep
i think if jason stops cubin for two months and i keep cubin everyday.. i could beat him..
hehehe soo... wat time is it, 9:30 eh..
i needa pratice my instrument then i think im done
oh yeah.. my parents friends said i would grow in to my long arms and get taller
yeah, so how long is this really supposed to be..
if ur reading rite now, u got a bunch of time on ur hands or ur just plain bored.
the question of this moment is should i put vaseline in my scooby doo keychain..
cause if i do and it pops or explodes all the nasty stuff gets on ur hands..
on the other hand it doesnt turn very well..
for everyone who doesnt know.. i made english 10 honors.. but i think everyone that tried made it in...
i wonder if i get in to algebra 2 honors.. i think jason has a better chance..
im not quite sure wat were doing in chinese tomorrow...
or chemistry.. cause i wasnt there on monday
well im still swimming in Pe class.. wat else..
is golden sun 2 out? i dunno but heard it was .. hmm im just to lazy to check
if it is out, i wanna get it... im still not finished with the first game... i went extremly far but stopped for a while and forgot my place...
i wanna drive, or at least start drivers ed... but im still, unfortunly, young..
i'll have to do it during summer vacation or should i say summer school...
Mr. levit wouldnt let me in to Ap US history... but i heard it was a hard class so i dont care.. i should have tooken another AP science insted of sectional woodwinds...
atleast i'll get more pratice on my instrument...
and thats my life story.. lol..
well i think im done.. thank you and good night.
alright....this confirms it, outta me, mike c, rawjer, and matt, im the worst.....
ahaha.......i used to be the masa, whene everyone else were nubs...............
....o well, not like cubing makes ur life better...............
so........wut is up everyone.............this blog is getting to the point that its hecka boring, i mean, what is there to talk about?
lets talk about life......life as a teenager is probalbly the second most odd part of life, we.....cant do much on our own free will because we live in our parents house....and we gotta follow their rules........ they make a do stuff.....like chores and all, and restrict our actions........
the most challenging part of life that I could think of right now, is like when u get out of college, and look for a job, unless ur really smart and people seek you out to give you a job.....how nice would that be.......
what about people who don't go to college, where do they go? Mickey D's? maybe be like a low paid waiter for a restaurant or something
I sound like my parents, i bet i do though, since they're the only people who could influence me about this stuff, so its the obly stuff i know.....
What about this next year day on the green thing? roger sorta seems to want to do the techno thingy.....im up for it, but im not doing of the work UNLESS i know that everyone will be doing it, I dont want people just backing out of this thing at the last second, so that only me, roger, and matt would be up there looking like idiots..........anyhow, we'd still look like idiots.....unless we got kenny up there to rave or something......or some nigga to breakdance.......lol
Sugar cookies are good, but so are chocolate chip.......u know wut? they should have macadamia nut cookies, minus the macadamia nuts.....i love the white chocolate chips and the cookie, but the nuts make it taste like crap........
Man.....i think i like 2 people........dunno how that would work, but i do....something has gotta change......wonder.....wut.....will......
nah......a time for uncertainty.........it is.......
Well, Im glad that I might know another star wars fan.....MC watched the movies....which is the first step......
so......................when i got home today, i was so bored, man.......it was like, sickening.......i got home, played about 20 minutes of games, then my mom got home....and like.......(i hope she never reads this............)= ) and like..........i hadda get off of cs.....and like, do my hw.......................i started chatting with some people.......but i was told to get off the comp if i wasn't using it......so i could only chat when she was gone........
mebbe i need a hearing aid, or i should set up some laser system......so like i could tell when any of my parents are coming down towards the office, my hearing just aint good enuff, especially when im concentrating on something........
i think i really need to get my computer more often........man.......im like on AIM right after school, and i stay on until like 10 (which is not late............but with this state testing, i need sleep).............
man, now i suck at cubing, i am now going about the same speed as MC.........i am REALLY rusty.......matt and roger are better than b4, especially now that matt got rufio back......
i think my cube's name is 'it doesn't have a name'.......super duper lame.......dupe.....dupe........i really needa learn how to dupe, but SOMEONE sez it might b a scam, and i also think that too, but this guy sed it worx.....and well, people ARE buying it from him, but if this is true, then D2 is useless, because people can dupe anything, but only the stupid people don't know how to dupe......
man, i wish d2 had more of a commodity, i dont think there are many buyers............i can assure u that there are PLENTY of sellers, its a risk....and i dont think i should take it......
during the summer, i was thinkin of me an aaron jus chillin at my house on the LAN and just like spend hours upon hours on gaming.......i was thinkin about d2, but now, it might b worthless, they need a BIG ol revival of d2, so i could sell my stuff............gonna need like 1,000,000 more people playing, man, there just aint no business going on.......i was checkin out ebay, no one is buying anything, except the instructions of how to dupe.........man..........if i do buy this, it would be a group thing, ehhe.....................or i could just sell 40 sojs for like 6 dollars.....since the method SHOULD cost 5 dollas........halla....lol.........
dunno..........mebbe ill get a new FREE rpg that u there is an actual commodity..........mebbe something.......mebbe, mebbe before school ends, ill do that, so me an aaron could just chill while playing it all summer........summer school........
im gonna takeworld history.........so i can take AP US hirtory next year, thats gonna be a killer...........ya.......im gonna actually have to work a lot more........i gotta set some new resolutions for next year........no games....................................................................less chatting.......................its gonna be one boring year, but i hope i can get my grades up.................................mebbe ill be able to slack my senior year ( -:
........wow, that doesn't seem to far away anymore.......just 2 years from now, and it'll be next year.................i feel old................
ahaha.......i used to be the masa, whene everyone else were nubs...............
....o well, not like cubing makes ur life better...............
so........wut is up everyone.............this blog is getting to the point that its hecka boring, i mean, what is there to talk about?
lets talk about life......life as a teenager is probalbly the second most odd part of life, we.....cant do much on our own free will because we live in our parents house....and we gotta follow their rules........ they make a do stuff.....like chores and all, and restrict our actions........
the most challenging part of life that I could think of right now, is like when u get out of college, and look for a job, unless ur really smart and people seek you out to give you a job.....how nice would that be.......
what about people who don't go to college, where do they go? Mickey D's? maybe be like a low paid waiter for a restaurant or something
I sound like my parents, i bet i do though, since they're the only people who could influence me about this stuff, so its the obly stuff i know.....
What about this next year day on the green thing? roger sorta seems to want to do the techno thingy.....im up for it, but im not doing of the work UNLESS i know that everyone will be doing it, I dont want people just backing out of this thing at the last second, so that only me, roger, and matt would be up there looking like idiots..........anyhow, we'd still look like idiots.....unless we got kenny up there to rave or something......or some nigga to breakdance.......lol
Sugar cookies are good, but so are chocolate chip.......u know wut? they should have macadamia nut cookies, minus the macadamia nuts.....i love the white chocolate chips and the cookie, but the nuts make it taste like crap........
Man.....i think i like 2 people........dunno how that would work, but i do....something has gotta change......wonder.....wut.....will......
nah......a time for uncertainty.........it is.......
Well, Im glad that I might know another star wars fan.....MC watched the movies....which is the first step......
so......................when i got home today, i was so bored, man.......it was like, sickening.......i got home, played about 20 minutes of games, then my mom got home....and like.......(i hope she never reads this............)= ) and like..........i hadda get off of cs.....and like, do my hw.......................i started chatting with some people.......but i was told to get off the comp if i wasn't using it......so i could only chat when she was gone........
mebbe i need a hearing aid, or i should set up some laser system......so like i could tell when any of my parents are coming down towards the office, my hearing just aint good enuff, especially when im concentrating on something........
i think i really need to get my computer more often........man.......im like on AIM right after school, and i stay on until like 10 (which is not late............but with this state testing, i need sleep).............
man, now i suck at cubing, i am now going about the same speed as MC.........i am REALLY rusty.......matt and roger are better than b4, especially now that matt got rufio back......
i think my cube's name is 'it doesn't have a name'.......super duper lame.......dupe.....dupe........i really needa learn how to dupe, but SOMEONE sez it might b a scam, and i also think that too, but this guy sed it worx.....and well, people ARE buying it from him, but if this is true, then D2 is useless, because people can dupe anything, but only the stupid people don't know how to dupe......
man, i wish d2 had more of a commodity, i dont think there are many buyers............i can assure u that there are PLENTY of sellers, its a risk....and i dont think i should take it......
during the summer, i was thinkin of me an aaron jus chillin at my house on the LAN and just like spend hours upon hours on gaming.......i was thinkin about d2, but now, it might b worthless, they need a BIG ol revival of d2, so i could sell my stuff............gonna need like 1,000,000 more people playing, man, there just aint no business going on.......i was checkin out ebay, no one is buying anything, except the instructions of how to dupe.........man..........if i do buy this, it would be a group thing, ehhe.....................or i could just sell 40 sojs for like 6 dollars.....since the method SHOULD cost 5 dollas........halla....lol.........
dunno..........mebbe ill get a new FREE rpg that u there is an actual commodity..........mebbe something.......mebbe, mebbe before school ends, ill do that, so me an aaron could just chill while playing it all summer........summer school........
im gonna takeworld history.........so i can take AP US hirtory next year, thats gonna be a killer...........ya.......im gonna actually have to work a lot more........i gotta set some new resolutions for next year........no games....................................................................less chatting.......................its gonna be one boring year, but i hope i can get my grades up.................................mebbe ill be able to slack my senior year ( -:
........wow, that doesn't seem to far away anymore.......just 2 years from now, and it'll be next year.................i feel old................
well.. just to let everyone know
my fastest rubiks time, as of now, is 47 seconds.
yes, i typed it right, fourty-seven.. i was amazed.. actually not cause:
i was extreamly lucky.. i only had to do one 2nd layer move and when i got done with that all the corners were in the right order and place!
and it was mixed well.. time to do homework i guess.
my fastest rubiks time, as of now, is 47 seconds.
yes, i typed it right, fourty-seven.. i was amazed.. actually not cause:
i was extreamly lucky.. i only had to do one 2nd layer move and when i got done with that all the corners were in the right order and place!
and it was mixed well.. time to do homework i guess.
5 bux to learn how to dupe in d2........tite.........mebbe........if i even continue to play d2.....
i might just wait until the new patch comes out, then ill start up again.......i hope the hexes and ith items were all deleted.....since im sorta a legit player, except for my rings.... i dont know wut ill do with my 2 rings if my wring and occy ring are deleted....id 2 them nagel rings......if i could dupe, id get a constricting ring.....
if i could dupe, it would be an investment worthwhile, IF i could sell items on d2......dunno if people buy anymore, there definetly is a provider, but possibly no buyer..
ill see how the market goes (^c^)
lets see, wut to write........or right....ahaha...........
well, i think 'she' is......very........interesting, ya.....i think i do like her.........................guesses start now.....
mang......summer b tite.......mebbe jus chill at home all day, and like....get fat!!! lol.........mebbe ill get a new rpg for my comp to entertain me, mebbe star wars galaxies....
i wanna drive......sorta........
posted by............................
i might just wait until the new patch comes out, then ill start up again.......i hope the hexes and ith items were all deleted.....since im sorta a legit player, except for my rings.... i dont know wut ill do with my 2 rings if my wring and occy ring are deleted....id 2 them nagel rings......if i could dupe, id get a constricting ring.....
if i could dupe, it would be an investment worthwhile, IF i could sell items on d2......dunno if people buy anymore, there definetly is a provider, but possibly no buyer..
ill see how the market goes (^c^)
lets see, wut to write........or right....ahaha...........
well, i think 'she' is......very........interesting, ya.....i think i do like her.........................guesses start now.....
mang......summer b tite.......mebbe jus chill at home all day, and like....get fat!!! lol.........mebbe ill get a new rpg for my comp to entertain me, mebbe star wars galaxies....
i wanna drive......sorta........
posted by............................
gtg bye... pratice.. and study... sigh
CLEARLAKE, Calif. (AP) - A dog named Dosha may have as many lives as a cat.
She was hit by a car, shot in the head and kept in a freezer for two hours, but she survived and is now doing well under a veterinarian's care.
Local animal groups and the Humane Society of the United States have begun fund-raising efforts to pay for her care.
Last Tuesday, Dosha was hit by a car. A Clearlake police officer reported to the scene and no one could tell him who owned the dog.
Officer Bob MacDonald shot the dog, apparently to save her the pain of her injuries. Dosha, presumed dead, was taken to Animal Control, where she was put in a freezer.
She was hit by a car, shot in the head and kept in a freezer for two hours, but she survived and is now doing well under a veterinarian's care.
Local animal groups and the Humane Society of the United States have begun fund-raising efforts to pay for her care.
Last Tuesday, Dosha was hit by a car. A Clearlake police officer reported to the scene and no one could tell him who owned the dog.
Officer Bob MacDonald shot the dog, apparently to save her the pain of her injuries. Dosha, presumed dead, was taken to Animal Control, where she was put in a freezer.
i got a scooby doo keychain from a vending machine in LA.
its cool cause its like a rubiks cube.. it explodes a lot though.
i need to put some vaseline in it too..
i hate when our band teacher makes us test on stuff...im gunna fail... : (
i think i need to get private lesson on the clarinet so i can get better on the bass.
wat else....
i don't want to go to the rodeo parade...
its cool cause its like a rubiks cube.. it explodes a lot though.
i need to put some vaseline in it too..
i hate when our band teacher makes us test on stuff...im gunna fail... : (
i think i need to get private lesson on the clarinet so i can get better on the bass.
wat else....
i don't want to go to the rodeo parade...
zE rOdEo PaRaDe Is CoMiNg!!!!
I hate it......its sooo long, and i dont have 'nuff stamina to play AND march at the same time.....i could barely play it 3 times without being tire..d
and lookit those pick ups, when i played one of them (i dont play many, although im supposed to) i feel like im playing a solo, that is really weak and out of tune....
i know that MC is back.......he aint makin no blogs yo...................
.......same people........same interest.......same....................................................................................................................................................stuff
zE rOdEo PaRaDe Is CoMiNg!!!!
I hate it......its sooo long, and i dont have 'nuff stamina to play AND march at the same time.....i could barely play it 3 times without being tire..d
and lookit those pick ups, when i played one of them (i dont play many, although im supposed to) i feel like im playing a solo, that is really weak and out of tune....
i know that MC is back.......he aint makin no blogs yo...................
.......same people........same interest.......same....................................................................................................................................................stuff
yup... uh huh.......
i think i really need sum of that stuff....................called zCzRzAzNzK !!!! lolololaoloaolorolol111oneone11!
for people who cant read that, its means sleep.....notices the zzzzzzzz with totally-completely-without-a-doubt-im-not-kidding random letters in there.....
so n e wayz......ya.......................
all i gotta say is that most people are stupid
i think i really need sum of that stuff....................called zCzRzAzNzK !!!! lolololaoloaolorolol111oneone11!
for people who cant read that, its means sleep.....notices the zzzzzzzz with totally-completely-without-a-doubt-im-not-kidding random letters in there.....
so n e wayz......ya.......................
all i gotta say is that most people are stupid
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - A popular Taiwanese soft drink called Sars may raise a few eyebrows these days because of the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome. But many here are still gulping down the root beer-like beverage without hesitation.
Sars - a shortened version of its major ingredient, sarsaparilla - has been the flagship drink of the Hey Song Company since the 1940s.
It tastes like root beer and is popular among Chinese because many of them believe sarsaparilla lowers body temperatures and prevent sore throats or other ailments.
Still, some consumers feel a little uneasy
Sars - a shortened version of its major ingredient, sarsaparilla - has been the flagship drink of the Hey Song Company since the 1940s.
It tastes like root beer and is popular among Chinese because many of them believe sarsaparilla lowers body temperatures and prevent sore throats or other ailments.
Still, some consumers feel a little uneasy
too bad 4 u mang, but i can tell u u aint missing anythin at school
my cousin is a dumb nut...he fell for the popping trick on d2....nubs are so dumb
my cousin is a dumb nut...he fell for the popping trick on d2....nubs are so dumb
sorry i didnt post, it was extreamly early like 6:30 when we got back.
when i woke up for school, i was very tried and had a bad headache so i didnt go...
im pretty sure nothing much happened the day after spring break but just in case i'll ask ppl.
when i woke up for school, i was very tried and had a bad headache so i didnt go...
im pretty sure nothing much happened the day after spring break but just in case i'll ask ppl.
Ghana's navy returned an endangered giant turtle to the ocean after freeing it from weeks in a sorcerer's home, a wildlife official said on Wednesday.
"We received a tip-off that this herbalist or juju-man had a giant green turtle in his possession at Tema," Gerald Boakye of the Ghana Wildlife Society told Reuters.
"So we got the police involved and apprehended him and freed the animal back into the ocean," he said. Tema is Ghana's main port 11 miles west of the capital Accra.
Under Ghana's law it is forbidden to hunt, capture or eat giant sea turtles, which are threatened with extinction even though the country's sandy beaches on the Atlantic provide a favorite breeding turf for them.
Animist beliefs are widespread in West Africa and parts of animals are commonly used as magic charms by sorcerers.
"We received a tip-off that this herbalist or juju-man had a giant green turtle in his possession at Tema," Gerald Boakye of the Ghana Wildlife Society told Reuters.
"So we got the police involved and apprehended him and freed the animal back into the ocean," he said. Tema is Ghana's main port 11 miles west of the capital Accra.
Under Ghana's law it is forbidden to hunt, capture or eat giant sea turtles, which are threatened with extinction even though the country's sandy beaches on the Atlantic provide a favorite breeding turf for them.
Animist beliefs are widespread in West Africa and parts of animals are commonly used as magic charms by sorcerers.
People who joined the cult-like following of Iraq's wartime spokesman Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf can now buy a talking doll and hear him say things like "our initial assessment is that they will all die" as often as they want.
The Connecticut company Herobuilders.com built the doll and also sells others that make fun of Iraq war allies President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The company made the "Iraqi Dis-information Minister Action Figure Doll" of the former Iraq Information Minister al-Sahaf, who disappeared from Baghdad after the invasion of U.S. troops whose presence he had bizarrely denied.
The Connecticut company Herobuilders.com built the doll and also sells others that make fun of Iraq war allies President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The company made the "Iraqi Dis-information Minister Action Figure Doll" of the former Iraq Information Minister al-Sahaf, who disappeared from Baghdad after the invasion of U.S. troops whose presence he had bizarrely denied.
omigosh.........okie day.......get ready to read these blogs more often, here it comes, for nostalgia......
A popular British newspaper opened a competition on Saturday with the sole prize a chunk of the giant bronze statue of toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein that was torn down in Baghdad.
To qualify for the winning draw, readers of the top selling Sun tabloid just have to do identify which country Iraq invaded in 1990, triggering the first Gulf War.
The Sun, which has been using the wave of patriotic support that surged after U.S. and British troops invaded Iraq last month to boost its circulation, said the winner would be the first correct answer picked out of a beret.
A popular British newspaper opened a competition on Saturday with the sole prize a chunk of the giant bronze statue of toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein that was torn down in Baghdad.
To qualify for the winning draw, readers of the top selling Sun tabloid just have to do identify which country Iraq invaded in 1990, triggering the first Gulf War.
The Sun, which has been using the wave of patriotic support that surged after U.S. and British troops invaded Iraq last month to boost its circulation, said the winner would be the first correct answer picked out of a beret.
Star Wars b tite mang, Ill lend u dem 5 movies and dem books i got bro!!!
Besides this........i took my drivers test (written) today....although i wasn't prepared, i got a -3.........with a -8 being passing
got one them permits
the roads are no longer safe............
Besides this........i took my drivers test (written) today....although i wasn't prepared, i got a -3.........with a -8 being passing
got one them permits
the roads are no longer safe............
ok.. im in LA on a friends comp.. yeah.. im comming home today maybe 8:00 pm or somthin.
oo and i watched star wars episode 1 and found out that jar jar binks says "okie day".... yup thats the word u use jason. after watching episode 1 again... starwars kinda got intresting.. i think thats somthin u would have like to have heard from me, jason. well i'll post when i get back. bye
oo and i watched star wars episode 1 and found out that jar jar binks says "okie day".... yup thats the word u use jason. after watching episode 1 again... starwars kinda got intresting.. i think thats somthin u would have like to have heard from me, jason. well i'll post when i get back. bye
MC......u should b back by now!
......u don't owe me a rush n e more....rawjer took care of it.......
mang, where u b? i can't keep a blog runnin by its self......unless i had ham...................
...............i want one them big fat sanwhiches at one them places called them Quizno's
mebbe i'll run to one them places called them Quizno's tomorrow......which b monday, the last day of freedom.......
......u don't owe me a rush n e more....rawjer took care of it.......
mang, where u b? i can't keep a blog runnin by its self......unless i had ham...................
...............i want one them big fat sanwhiches at one them places called them Quizno's
mebbe i'll run to one them places called them Quizno's tomorrow......which b monday, the last day of freedom.......
ey..........wut is up everyone
we b chillun...........letting spring break fly by, and saving the homework for monday night...........as usual........
does anyone actually think that they could wake up for school at the right time? heheheheheh
that's fune, ur hilarious, ur fune
im fune 2
we b chillun...........letting spring break fly by, and saving the homework for monday night...........as usual........
does anyone actually think that they could wake up for school at the right time? heheheheheh
that's fune, ur hilarious, ur fune
im fune 2
listening to honor band music........so far, im only into the intermediate people.......i dont remember listening to this, ever....
and its quite bad, one of the songs..........everyone is off, or it just sounds like it (if it sounds like it, it is)
........the tone quality//entrances with notes sorta suck, it starts off soft, then all the sudden their sounds becomes super loud
............................overall, (although iv only listened to 2 songs) ill give it a C-
and its quite bad, one of the songs..........everyone is off, or it just sounds like it (if it sounds like it, it is)
........the tone quality//entrances with notes sorta suck, it starts off soft, then all the sudden their sounds becomes super loud
............................overall, (although iv only listened to 2 songs) ill give it a C-
due to impopularity to this blog, i will........say something provocable!!!
hi yo's........wut is up
......................................well.................................im chillun at night, no one is online, im bored as heck
i cant do nothin..........where is everyone? i kno mike and rawjer are on trips......but where are the other people?...
well, drivers ed is.........boring.....and it sux......i dont think im really learning anything, so......ya
......................................well.................................im chillun at night, no one is online, im bored as heck
i cant do nothin..........where is everyone? i kno mike and rawjer are on trips......but where are the other people?...
well, drivers ed is.........boring.....and it sux......i dont think im really learning anything, so......ya
u know what the 13373$7 thing of all is though? NEW SAX COMING SOON!!! w00t! w00t!!!!
w00t!!! 1337 $4x!!!one1oneone!!1!one!1oneone!
w00t!!! 1337 $4x!!!one1oneone!!1!one!1oneone!
this marks the date
today, i have heard, for the first time, a father swear in front of his child and his child's friends in a non-heated conversation
that was new....
today, i have heard, for the first time, a father swear in front of his child and his child's friends in a non-heated conversation
that was new....
hey.....i need someone to play d2 with me.....going all out and forgetting other games......
and i also need someone to have a paypal account.......roger??
i also need war travs for this new assignment
its longer than school.....and the guy talks, turns on video, talks, talks.......blah blah blah
we have a 'smart alec' (how do u spell that????!??) in our class, he THINKS he has the answer for everything
but hes just a stupid guy trying to show off his little knowledge....................ehehe..........HI MIKE
shout outz yo's.....
Roger - play d2 with me
Matt - cs is like, deaaddd
Mike - where r u?
Nick - sup....play cs....
Oli - wheres my crack?
Steven - .....wonder when the honors stuff comes out......alg 2
Mike D - are u reading this?
Cheri - wassup......
Kim - aaron seems sorta gay....or its just his voice.....
Grace - ....uh...ya
Megan - yo....how's it hangin
Jess(ica) - wuttup yo
Mayyen - uh....hi
and i also need someone to have a paypal account.......roger??
i also need war travs for this new assignment
its longer than school.....and the guy talks, turns on video, talks, talks.......blah blah blah
we have a 'smart alec' (how do u spell that????!??) in our class, he THINKS he has the answer for everything
but hes just a stupid guy trying to show off his little knowledge....................ehehe..........HI MIKE
shout outz yo's.....
Roger - play d2 with me
Matt - cs is like, deaaddd
Mike - where r u?
Nick - sup....play cs....
Oli - wheres my crack?
Steven - .....wonder when the honors stuff comes out......alg 2
Mike D - are u reading this?
Cheri - wassup......
Kim - aaron seems sorta gay....or its just his voice.....
Grace - ....uh...ya
Megan - yo....how's it hangin
Jess(ica) - wuttup yo
Mayyen - uh....hi
my mf is soooo cool!!!!! i found oculus, unique ring (unid), and a 165 1 hand dmg hammer for mike!!! hehehehe.......
....dunno if mike can use the hammer though, its got knockback.........u cant keep the guy where u want to.........
....dunno if mike can use the hammer though, its got knockback.........u cant keep the guy where u want to.........
............................hi all...............sup mike..............................................i got a wring for 15 perfects, hehe
just came back from drivers training / ed..................................its longer than school......
imagine sitting down all day long listening to a guy with a lisp.........(i think hes gay......)
this blog cant be too long, i gotta go move my finger (aka. clicking)
imagine sitting down all day long listening to a guy with a lisp.........(i think hes gay......)
this blog cant be too long, i gotta go move my finger (aka. clicking)
sob... jk... well im on my aunt's comp here in LA.
Im bored i suppose u, jason, have drivers Ed tomorrow cause u werent on Aim at 1 am...
i wanna play d2 and cs... sigh... so...today is the 15 huh... i think a month and 1/2 or school left...
i gotta get that chem B up... or else...
hmm wat to do now.... (falls asleep on computer).................................. X (''''''''' <--- dunno, a guy druling (spelling?)?
Im bored i suppose u, jason, have drivers Ed tomorrow cause u werent on Aim at 1 am...
i wanna play d2 and cs... sigh... so...today is the 15 huh... i think a month and 1/2 or school left...
i gotta get that chem B up... or else...
hmm wat to do now.... (falls asleep on computer).................................. X (''''''''' <--- dunno, a guy druling (spelling?)?
........aiight, i just traded 8 sojs away....hehehehehe
now i only have like 20, but hey, i can get them pretty fast
now i have 541 mf............darn........mikes gone......!!! MY BEST BUD!! jk jk......he aint
........aiight, i just traded 8 sojs away....hehehehehe
now i only have like 20, but hey, i can get them pretty fast
now i have 541 mf............darn........mikes gone......!!! MY BEST BUD!! jk jk......he aint
uh we still havent left... we're gunna soon,
any rumors my bro says about we owing MGM, dont listen.
they're troble makers.... sigh...
in the other hand, i will have my rubiks cube.. i needa get faster..
well hope everyone has a wonderful spring break.
any rumors my bro says about we owing MGM, dont listen.
they're troble makers.... sigh...
in the other hand, i will have my rubiks cube.. i needa get faster..
well hope everyone has a wonderful spring break.
lol... well i gtg pack now, i wont post anything for like a week so..
good bye everyone.
PS: jason don't write too much. or i'll be forgotten.........
good bye everyone.
PS: jason don't write too much. or i'll be forgotten.........
i need some 1337 h4x mang...
my sorc is like, 89....tite
ya, im making a zon, HerderOfCows
its gonna have cleglaws gloves.....buriza....2 white rings (hard to get now a days...), dunno wut boots, shaft stop, my 1337 133ching helm, and....ya
guided arrow//multi arrow with valkyrie....and all the dodging stuff.....and critical strike
so.........off the topic of d2.......buffets that cost less than 40 dollars are bad........yup.........
pay a lot = good food............so........they're no good buffets in fresno that i kno of............unless like table mountain has one (ask rawjer)
peace out
my sorc is like, 89....tite
ya, im making a zon, HerderOfCows
its gonna have cleglaws gloves.....buriza....2 white rings (hard to get now a days...), dunno wut boots, shaft stop, my 1337 133ching helm, and....ya
guided arrow//multi arrow with valkyrie....and all the dodging stuff.....and critical strike
so.........off the topic of d2.......buffets that cost less than 40 dollars are bad........yup.........
pay a lot = good food............so........they're no good buffets in fresno that i kno of............unless like table mountain has one (ask rawjer)
peace out
ariight .. ima return all the stuff i borrowed later and rush u somtin..
yay my pally is lvl 50 now i think,
im leaving tomorrow, but i'll try to get another post in before i leave.
i just finished watching clockstopers, yeah.. its kinda kiddy and boreing but i watch it anywho.
i want a watch that speeds up time and makes things look slow..
i've had my watch since 6th grade.. its very old.. and i've only had the change the battery once.
i think ima play d2 now.
yay my pally is lvl 50 now i think,
im leaving tomorrow, but i'll try to get another post in before i leave.
i just finished watching clockstopers, yeah.. its kinda kiddy and boreing but i watch it anywho.
i want a watch that speeds up time and makes things look slow..
i've had my watch since 6th grade.. its very old.. and i've only had the change the battery once.
i think ima play d2 now.
so, how has it been going? iv been doing pretty good
.......im still interested in the same people.....and the same number know of it
hehe, right now, im sitting in act 3 durance of hate, my dad came walking around....atleast i dont think any bad guys have seen me yet....
w00t!!! 490 mf!!! i hope to get sum more with war travs (i needa trade for 45s, but they hecka xpensive)
mike, remember, that shaft and white originally came from me, so, ya, just dont forget
u also owe me one full rush....ill get you a zakarum if i can, mebbe u can find an atlatean!!! im gonna start a zon...so....ya, u gotta rush it
my zon will eventually pown all cows.....
so....i played some cs today (still sitting in durance of hate right now....) and man, it was laggy
jason kong killed me!! i also found a good spot to camp on one certain map....ooo, this is the longest blog so far!!! the profiles i made could never support this kind of information!!!!
aiight, now, back to d2
.......im still interested in the same people.....and the same number know of it
hehe, right now, im sitting in act 3 durance of hate, my dad came walking around....atleast i dont think any bad guys have seen me yet....
w00t!!! 490 mf!!! i hope to get sum more with war travs (i needa trade for 45s, but they hecka xpensive)
mike, remember, that shaft and white originally came from me, so, ya, just dont forget
u also owe me one full rush....ill get you a zakarum if i can, mebbe u can find an atlatean!!! im gonna start a zon...so....ya, u gotta rush it
my zon will eventually pown all cows.....
so....i played some cs today (still sitting in durance of hate right now....) and man, it was laggy
jason kong killed me!! i also found a good spot to camp on one certain map....ooo, this is the longest blog so far!!! the profiles i made could never support this kind of information!!!!
aiight, now, back to d2
sorry mike, i couldn't stay up, my dad was watching tv all night.....
sorry mang.........also, this week, iv got drivers training, so, i wont stay up past 2, gotta get sum shut eye
tite....alright, tonight is the night to stay up, all night, unless i go to aaron's house, 'cause he called me
...............have fun..................u gonna miss ur bro??
the questioning starts..........hehe, everyone leave there guess of who i like on the little thingy down there.....lol......lol....lol
hecka bored, tis i be
sorry mang.........also, this week, iv got drivers training, so, i wont stay up past 2, gotta get sum shut eye
tite....alright, tonight is the night to stay up, all night, unless i go to aaron's house, 'cause he called me
...............have fun..................u gonna miss ur bro??
the questioning starts..........hehe, everyone leave there guess of who i like on the little thingy down there.....lol......lol....lol
hecka bored, tis i be
im here, just lazy... sigh.. jason, u failed me again.. sleeping early
right now nobody for c dub is on AIM.. im bored, d2 realm is down, i guess ima play cs.
tomorrow jason u gotta stay awake till like 5 am playing games and stuff.
My plans for this week is the family is heading to Las Vegas on Monday to just enjoy and then in a couple days later go to some UCLA orentation thing for my bro, after that we go home on Friday i think. So we gotta play comp games till i leave, or do somtin... hmm its 4:30 now.. should i go to sleep? thats the question...
right now nobody for c dub is on AIM.. im bored, d2 realm is down, i guess ima play cs.
tomorrow jason u gotta stay awake till like 5 am playing games and stuff.
My plans for this week is the family is heading to Las Vegas on Monday to just enjoy and then in a couple days later go to some UCLA orentation thing for my bro, after that we go home on Friday i think. So we gotta play comp games till i leave, or do somtin... hmm its 4:30 now.. should i go to sleep? thats the question...
so....ima chillun all saturday, mainly playing games
ya.....drivers training starts on tuesday.....wonder wut'll happen, it'll b tite
so...........................where's mc? i needa have some other person supporting me blogs........
ya.....drivers training starts on tuesday.....wonder wut'll happen, it'll b tite
so...........................where's mc? i needa have some other person supporting me blogs........
guess what, now the iron chefs are gonna face eachother!!!!1337 battles!!!!!
wonda whose gonna win........mebbe the japanese one......hehe, they're all good
wonda whose gonna win........mebbe the japanese one......hehe, they're all good
quite an interesting day had there
hehe... cubing will impress anyone who hasn't seen it before, its just how people are
u musta been up pretty late, i guess i went to sleep early, sorry, i failed you!!!!
so, this is the first day for the week long weekend, w00t!!!
hehe... cubing will impress anyone who hasn't seen it before, its just how people are
u musta been up pretty late, i guess i went to sleep early, sorry, i failed you!!!!
so, this is the first day for the week long weekend, w00t!!!
yup.. i wrote a pile of stuff below... ::sob:: im bored...
uh intresting stuff jason..
well i was a Yoshinos last night... there were these kinda young, drunk college students that were amazed by my weak rubiks cube skill... it was a very intresting night.. cause they said "wow, look at his hands [i guess cause i was going semi-fast]" and clapped for me when i finished... i wasnt even trying to get their attention. Also, my dad being the way he is, complained about the chef in tepanyaki (dunno) and how he didnt do a good job, so we got a 50 doller gift certificate for free..lol.
Them after dinner we when bowling... my 2 year youger bro beat me the first 3 games but i got him on the 4th. My excuse stands as... "it just takes me 3 games to warm up".. besides, he didnt beat me by much. That was my day, im tired so im going to sleep, or gunna play cs, watever comes first..
well i was a Yoshinos last night... there were these kinda young, drunk college students that were amazed by my weak rubiks cube skill... it was a very intresting night.. cause they said "wow, look at his hands [i guess cause i was going semi-fast]" and clapped for me when i finished... i wasnt even trying to get their attention. Also, my dad being the way he is, complained about the chef in tepanyaki (dunno) and how he didnt do a good job, so we got a 50 doller gift certificate for free..lol.
Them after dinner we when bowling... my 2 year youger bro beat me the first 3 games but i got him on the 4th. My excuse stands as... "it just takes me 3 games to warm up".. besides, he didnt beat me by much. That was my day, im tired so im going to sleep, or gunna play cs, watever comes first..
i lost the little guy........(mc...)
he aint makin no more blogs, its all me, and im boring
but who cares, if ur reading this, ur as bored as me......let's spice things up
i play the sax.....not make sum interesting marks down below...
he aint makin no more blogs, its all me, and im boring
but who cares, if ur reading this, ur as bored as me......let's spice things up
i play the sax.....not make sum interesting marks down below...
definition of a phat bass = in the star wars cantina song
download and listen (=
tite star wars mang
download and listen (=
tite star wars mang
Star wars is the ultimate industry........
music, movies, games, merchandise......its all there
ya well, i played sum b-ball outside, then i went shopping, and now my feet smell super bad
music, movies, games, merchandise......its all there
ya well, i played sum b-ball outside, then i went shopping, and now my feet smell super bad
tite, mc changed up the blog
wut a stud.....lol
so, today was coolio, nothing happened, the weekend b here
..............so.........people ask..........but nothing will come forth
mebbe, one day when i stoned (a lot of those.....) ill put it on the blog, the the first one will never be put onto the blog
as u can tell, i like 2 people now, one is sorta recent yo, mc only knows of one
wut a stud.....lol
so, today was coolio, nothing happened, the weekend b here
..............so.........people ask..........but nothing will come forth
mebbe, one day when i stoned (a lot of those.....) ill put it on the blog, the the first one will never be put onto the blog
as u can tell, i like 2 people now, one is sorta recent yo, mc only knows of one
look down there.. at that music note counter.. just pure genuis (i dun know how to spell),
day on the green was ok for me.. i had to work a lot, like taking the stuff to our stand or being the advertasing boy with sign...
but yay, finally spring break is here.. i dont think i have homework. I wanna be old enough to drive...
day on the green was ok for me.. i had to work a lot, like taking the stuff to our stand or being the advertasing boy with sign...
but yay, finally spring break is here.. i dont think i have homework. I wanna be old enough to drive...
Aiight, this be tight
day on da green was cool, hardly any work!!! i luved it, now, no school for a week!!!!!!
i had armenian food (not too good.....) and a dirt cup (tasted like dirt too...... ;p)
so.....let the festivities begin
day on da green was cool, hardly any work!!! i luved it, now, no school for a week!!!!!!
i had armenian food (not too good.....) and a dirt cup (tasted like dirt too...... ;p)
so.....let the festivities begin
wow u write a lot.. yeah... sorry had to leave like that jason.. parents and stuff..
well im tired... nite..
well im tired... nite..
Hm............well its night, and im ready for tomorrow to come
soon, spring break will be upon us, and we can be free!!!
but i gots drivers training to do, from 9 oclock to 4 oclock, for 4 dayz, i think, it'll be cool
why is the concert band playin fanfare and allegro??? they suck!!!!
mr k sed it will make us sound 'fat' when they play with us
does that translate for 'horrible'???
JNC reportin to ye
soon, spring break will be upon us, and we can be free!!!
but i gots drivers training to do, from 9 oclock to 4 oclock, for 4 dayz, i think, it'll be cool
why is the concert band playin fanfare and allegro??? they suck!!!!
mr k sed it will make us sound 'fat' when they play with us
does that translate for 'horrible'???
JNC reportin to ye
Aiight.........well mike, that was super lame
well, 40 sojs wont sell for 25 bux anymore, mebbe ill....................ill stop playin d2??? lol
ill prob end up trading for things....
aiight.......................i think i like another person, how odd *hahaha, ask u may, no answer will come though*
well, 40 sojs wont sell for 25 bux anymore, mebbe ill....................ill stop playin d2??? lol
ill prob end up trading for things....
aiight.......................i think i like another person, how odd *hahaha, ask u may, no answer will come though*
hi everyone
yay! friday! Day on the Green .. that will be sooo fun.
dont forget to go get some spagetti at the Key Club food booth..
and i cant wait till spring break... :)
yay! friday! Day on the Green .. that will be sooo fun.
dont forget to go get some spagetti at the Key Club food booth..
and i cant wait till spring break... :)
Aiight, im here, and its me, and me, and mike c, who aint here
aiight, so, me an mike c got this new blog thing we're gonna make together, since i write a lot, and he like............................................types
so, this is post numba 1, we be chillin yo
aiight, so, me an mike c got this new blog thing we're gonna make together, since i write a lot, and he like............................................types
so, this is post numba 1, we be chillin yo
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