a perfect 12 on the essay...
32/40 on the multi..
i need to do better on that...
well.. chem test tomorrow.. im soo dead...
tomorrow.. bz day....
Stupid LA. Aiyah... =( =( =( =(
im tired so ill just modify this essay from the timed write...
or better yet, just use the time write...
nvm.. ill re write it...
i need to do good on this essay...
:/ chem test friday...
aw man.... so much work to do
man, my parents are weird.... they bought a ionoic breeze ( air filter/kills germs/other stuff ) for $250..... crazy
closer... meh
once i get all of the drill, its ditching time! w00t
hippocampus = a school for hippos... lol...
soo tired.
i decided im not going to spend any more money..... maybe its because i dont have any money to spend anywho
all of the freshmen ive seen so far are stupid idiots
but i was too tied and i doubt i could get there on time...
am really tired...
soo hott today...
it wasnt that bad but we just did a lot of work...
we got the drum solo down..
its pretty cool...
im the center guide for about 30 people?...
yeah huge line, with huge responsibility...
the weakest thing i think is the ballad...
:/ hw...
ahhh.. UCs changed their minimum gpa from 2.8 to 3.0
guess i cant apply now....heh...
or it means less competition...
yeah, new uniform pants.. are... ehh..
i like the old gold stripe...
ok im done....
next week: another tuesday, football game, and saturday
um.... yeah, i needa get some work done
i've eaten 3 1/2 donuts today.... its great
i also weighed myself again, currently less than 120 lbs... still underweight!
pretty tired..... meh...... also forgot what time bible study was..... so didn't go.....
tired..... needa do some more work....
Hi, my name is esther and i need a tutor.
currently failing english
currently borderline in econ
do i have a B in band? =/
Currently ACING (is that a word) math
Getting pwned in apes...
hmm... that essay tomorrow... ai yah
didja sign up for the practice SAT exam on wednesday? imma take it without preparation just for fun.... although wasting 3 hours isn't very fun....
uh, not much is happening
my arms feel like rocks... sore rocks -_-
did u kno its better to shoot ur self in the mouth than next to ur eye..
because if u shoot towards the back of ur neck.. ull hit the medulla and stop breathing... death...
hmm.. debating against sumair.. great... wasnt he on the debate team?
well i have to kill the next psych and chem test...
and write better comp essays...
6 weeks coming up...
parents are gunna kill me..
o ya. i need to get a SAT prep book... soon...
i have like a bizillion hours...lol jk...
maybe a bit less.. lol...
yeah, i gunna fail it too...
just thinking about college for a bit... i hardly have any community service hours (less than 10)..... so like.... it wouldn't even count as anything
hmm.... either i volunteer a lot this year and skip sat. practices (= or just screw it
gonna fail the SATs... i can feel it
woke up at like 9:30..
then went to practice 10-5..
i was expecting to work afterwords but then i fell into a 9-hour coma...
which leads me to now.
and im really sore...
lactic acid build up? biology....
:/ i gotta work tomorrow...
philharmoic tomorrow? should i go?
i need to drive.
o. we have 4 scese out of 6, marching and playing.
although they aren't very good as of now..
kick the shorties! u kno wat im talking about...
yay good job you're staying in chem -- no worries okay, if i can make it you can make it!
... and im gunna do better.
didn't have to read essay out loud... was great... also found out someone else had a similar topic as mine
earwax... just nasty....
um... saw a certain 2 people holding hands..... lol
also, ive seen two counsel members in the past 2 days while driving.... at first i thought they were from texas..... but then i read their license plate
also.... saw a license plate that said: JACEPOO
made me think of jaspo....
im buffing up
i just calculated my BMI... YES!! im underweight!!!
Looking back, the clues were there. The obsession with weapons, war and death. The endless rounds of bloody computer games. The vicious rantings on the Internet.
Teachers at Columbine High School saw the signs in Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. In a violent video they made for class that showed them gunning down the school jocks. In Harris' creative writing essay about playing war, picking off the enemy from a safe distance.
Students saw the signs. They saw the two with clubs and knives. Heard their essays and poems about suicide and murder. Heard Harris talk at lunch about blowing up the school.
A gun dealer says they were trying to buy weapons. And police knew about the pair's one petty crime and about threats of violence Harris made on his Web site.
Plenty of blame is going around in the aftermath of Harris and Klebold's rampage at Columbine, which left 12 students and a teacher dead.
Police have blamed the parents. Some parents have blamed police and the school. And others are questioning a judicial system that saw nothing more than a pair of polite, contrite teen-agers.
So much about Harris and Klebold is still unknown. But what is known about the two -- the progression of their plot, their relationship, the efforts each made to conceal their plan -- paints a picture that seems inevitable in its whole, largely overlooked in its parts.
Problem is, no one saw it all.
"If you look at acts of violence, you'll find commments from friends, neighbors, acquaintances saying that this person was weird, he was odd, it was only a matter of time," retired FBI criminal profiler Jim Wright said. "All of a sudden -- when the act is over -- a lot of people knew it was going to happen."
Added Jefferson County District Attorney Dave Thomas: "I suppose, in hindsight, all of us would do many things differently."
When Harris and four others walked into Mel Bernstein's El Paso County gun shop in the first week of March, he sized them up as punks. He chased them off when it became apparent that the one girl in the group was trying to buy guns for Harris -- who was underage but did all the talking.
"We get things like this all the time," said Bernstein's wife, Terry Flanell. "We can't call the cops every two seconds on a hunch."
Bernstein didn't know that Harris had been arrested with Klebold a year before, that they had just been released from their juvenile diversion program.
When the diversion officer had looked at Harris' and Klebold's performance in their community service and counseling programs, he described the pair as bright young men likely to succeed.
"He's anguished over what happened," Thomas said.
But the officer didn't know that Klebold's prom date had bought weapons at an Adams County gun show about four months before.
When a county magistrate placed the pair in a diversion program March 25, 1998, he didn't know about Harris' threats to kill classmates and detonate bombs, threats posted on his Web site.
That's where the lives of Harris and Klebold intersected: in front of a computer. They were die-hard gamers who loved the interactive bloodbath called DOOM, which arms players to the teeth and pits them against legions of homicidal demons lurking in an endless maze.
Harris always had top-of-the-line equipment, even when they first met as freshmen four years ago. Together, they gamed, they hacked, they created and modified programs. They found power through technology.
Their personalities meshed perfectly, too, yin and yang. Harris, more outgoing, the leader. Klebold, quieter, the consummate follower.
Even kids who didn't know them well could see it.
"I felt Eric seemed to always be the head," said Michele Fox, 18, who had a creative-writing class with the pair every day. "He was always in control."
For Harris, school was a snap. Articulate, intelligent, a good athlete who played on the school soccer team during his freshman and sophomore years.
He was never a discipline problem. Principal Frank DeAngelis didn't even know his name. "The Eddie Haskell of Columbine," one mother called Harris.
Klebold was a perfect sidekick. A big goofy kid, pasty-faced and uncoordinated. Very bright but very passive. Brooks Brown remembered Klebold as someone who looked to his friends for guidance from their first meeting as first-graders at Normandy Elementary School.
"I always had to say, 'We're going to go here to play. We're going down to the creek now,' or whatever," Brown said.
So friends have no doubt that when Klebold and Harris broke into a van to steal tools Jan. 30, 1998, Harris led the way.
And after Harris talked about making bombs, that's what they did.
Harris and Brown were friends as well but had a falling-out. Harris vandalized some houses and blamed Brown. Then Harris chipped Brown's windshield with an ice chunk, and the two didn't speak for more than a year.
But Klebold cared enough about Brown to alert him to death threats on Harris' Web site.
"He was really looking out for me," Brown said. "That's the way he was. An extremely good kid."
Harris was another story.
Brooks Brown's mother, Judy, told Jefferson County authorities about Harris' Web site, where he talked about test-firing pipe bombs. A detective found Harris' arrest record, but that information never made it to the district attorney's office, which could have put the two together.
A sheriff's deputy assigned to the school passed Judy Brown's report to a Columbine dean. Where it went from there is unknown.
The Browns never told the Harrises about the Web site, and their son dismissed it as Eric talking tough. Judy Brown took solace in the fact that Klebold, whom she didn't think capable of violence, was Harris' best friend.
Just six days before Brown turned over the Web site to authorities, Harris and Klebold appeared before Jefferson County Magistrate John DeVita on the break-in charge.
DeVita had words of advice for Klebold, who was getting B's and C's in school. "I bet you're an 'A' student if you put the brain power to the paperwork," he told him.
But DeVita questioned Harris more closely. He doubted that Harris was really a first-time offender, and he told him so.
"First time out of the box and you get caught. I don't believe it," DeVita told him. "It's a real rare occurrence when somebody gets caught the first time."
The hearing, at which both were placed in a diversion program, took all of 10 minutes. An innocuous case among the hundreds that come before DeVita. Two courteous kids who had part-time jobs and did their chores.
Within weeks, Harris began the diary in which the Columbine plot would take form.
During the 10 months that Klebold and Harris were on diversion, they would attend anger-management classes and counseling. They cleaned up a recreation center as part of their community service.
"They really were unremarkable," said Dave Kirchoff, the center's coordinator.
At the same time, they used the money they earned making pizzas to buy their guns and build their bombs. Klebold ran the sound for the school's fall show. And they played a lot of DOOM.
The two were discharged from the diversion program Feb. 3 with glowing, nearly identical report cards.
"Eric is a very bright young man who is likely to succeed in life."
"Dylan is a bright young man who has a great deal of potential."
At school, the pair didn't particularly stand out. The so-called Trench Coat Mafia had scattered after some of its members graduated in 1998. Harris and Klebold were on the group's fringes, at best, students say. They weren't into the white-faced, black-eyed look of the Goth crowd, and they hated the dark music of Marilyn Manson.
Even the pair's fascination with Nazism wasn't obvious to everyone.
"They did not wear Nazi stuff. They did not wear German flags. They were not gay. They did not wear makeup," said Columbine senior Dustin Gorton, a friend of both. "There's so much information coming out about them that just isn't true."
Even when the two wrote their violent, morbid poems and essays, some classmates saw it as nothing more than creative license fueled by teen-age angst.
"It's a creative-writing class," Michele Fox said. "You write about what you want. Shakespeare wrote all about death."
But on the Internet, Harris' veneer of normalcy fell away.
His Web pages reflect a soul-searing level of hatred, frustration and powerlessness, the invective of a person driven crazy by everyday life. Country music. Zippo lighters. People who cut in line. R-rated movies edited for cable.
"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!?" Harris asked in one rant. "People who think they can forecast the weather!!! Like just the other day, this punk i know was saying 'Yeah tomorrow we are gonna get like, 2 feet of snow in just a few hours. They were saying its gonna be the biggest snow in ten years.... And that day we get an inch of snow.... I feel like getting a baseball bat, breaking it over his head, and then STABBING him with the broken end!!!!"
Harris -- who was in therapy and reportedly taking Luvox, commonly prescribed for obsessive-compulsive disorders -- told his diversion officer he especially enjoyed his anger-management class. His own little joke.
It's unknown whether Wayne and Kathy Harris ever saw their son's Web site. Unknown whether Klebold's parents knew about it, either.
Late last year, researchers for the Simon Wiesenthal Center found a Web page signed by the Trench Coat Mafia, with links to sites urging anarchy.
"We see hundreds of sites like this every day," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, who coordinates the center's study of hate groups. "At the time, there were no threats being made. It certainly didn't say wait until April 20 and name a school because obviously we would have called the authorities."
Picking the dangerous needle out of the haystack of the Web is getting harder all the time, Cooper said. Last year his center tracked 1,400 hate sites. In April 1995 they had identified one.
"Look, being a loner in a high school is as old as the first high school," Cooper said. "The bomb-making information has been around for a long time. But the convergence of all this stuff and the marketing of it on the Web -- this didn't exist five years ago. But it sure is now. Front and center."
DOOM, Harris and Klebold's favorite game, appeared in late 1993 and took interactive, 3-D action to a new level.
The concept, one of DOOM's creators has said, came down to this: "Kill everything and get out alive." One episode is called "All Hell Breaks Loose." Another: "Knee-deep in the Dead."
One of the game's slogans: "DOOM -- where the sanest place is behind a trigger."
Players can hunt and kill together -- or each other -- from their own home computers across the street or across the world. And there are millions of players: More than 17 million copies of DOOM and its sequel have been downloaded worldwide.
"Violence in movies and TV and video games heightens aggression for some people some of the time," former FBI profiler Gregg McCrary said. "But they don't cause the crime. It's how people react to them that matters. Some people are moved to violence by the Bible."
The National School Safety Center has created a profile of the kid most likely to commit school violence, based on the profiles of kids who already have. The 20-item checklist includes drug abuse, tantrums, threats, depression, truancy, cruelty to animals and a fascination with weapons and violence that spills over into schoolwork.
But profiles like that have problems, former FBI profiler Wright said, because they tend to apply to a lot of kids who never become violent.
"It's like stereotyping, and stereotyping causes you to have tunnel vision," he said. "It's like throwing a big net out there and a lot fit the profile. But only a small portion are going to be guilty of what you're trying to catch in the first place."
And there's no guarantee you still won't miss the kids most likely to kill.
Like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who spent the two years, the two months, the two weeks before the killings living outwardly normal lives.
Two weeks before, a soccer league had asked Harris to play for its team, but he turned them down. "I've got stuff I've got to take care of," he said.
Two weeks before, a girl rear-ended Klebold's black BMW. She was shaking and crying, afraid of what he might do, because she knew he was associated with the Trench Coat Mafia.
But Klebold wasn't upset. "Don't worry about it, it's all right," he told her.
The week before, Klebold and his father visited the University of Arizona, where Klebold planned to study computer science.
On the Thursday before, Harris' long-time dream of becoming a Marine came to an abrupt end. After meeting with his parents and a recruiter April 15, Harris was rejected because he had been on psychiatric medication.
The Friday before, Harris read a story during creative-writing class about playing war with his brother, mowing down the enemy. Later that night he and Klebold showed up for their evening shift as cooks at Blackjack Pizza, where they were considered model employees.
The Saturday before, Klebold went to the prom with friend Robyn Anderson, who had bought guns for the pair. Klebold and Harris showed up at Columbine's after-prom party. "They were both in pretty good spirits, going with the flow," classmate Thaddeus Boles said.
Sometime that weekend, Thomas Klebold got an odd feeling about his son. Dylan seemed stressed out. His father made a mental note to talk to him. He never did.
Sometime that weekend, neighbors heard glass being shattered in Harris' garage -- making shrapnel for bombs, authorities now suspect. The ruckus disturbed kids playing in the nearby cul-de-sac.
The Monday before the shootings, Harris and Klebold grabbed lunch at McDonald's with Brooks Brown, who had patched up his differences with Harris.
On the last day of his life, Harris showed up for a 6:15 a.m. bowling class, as usual.
On the last day of his life, Klebold told his mother goodbye in a way that sounded oddly final to her.
Only later did it make sense to her, when nothing else did.
oh yeah, stay in chem. he gives a ton of extra credit so don't worry.
at first i thought the letter from the library was to get mad at me cause i havent volunteered there in forever... but yea... ionno if i wanna do it.
chem is hard...
should i switch to ap us?
tomorrow = last day...
my essay really really really stinnnnksssssssss.
i hope everyone gets a D so i don't feel half as bad. hahaha.. X_X kidding..sorta!!!
Michael are you volunteering at Woodward???!?!! does ANYONE want to do teencouncil with me??????? please?
well i guess cause i napped for a while
i drove a lot today...
i still need to read like 7 pages of psych.
st. agnes orientation tormorrow...
i have to go :/
back to the essay...
mine is bad... :(
i think i'll consume 40,000 fat calories a day to shorten my time on this earth! muhahaha!!
then, i remembered... this year sucks
o great.. approx. 160 days left or like 158.... >.<
o shizzle, my comp essay suxorz
beatboxing... hmm
people i once thought annoying make band practice less boring
quitting acadec... cause grades going down...
de la salle game was ok...
we have out of I think 6 scenes... 2 scenes of drill and 4 scenes of music...
so we are pretty far...
our first competition is like in a month.
I didn't go to the St. Agnes thing today.. so I have to make that up...
here is a story of how crazy de la salle (an all-boy, catholic? school)
don't read below if u want to protect ur innocent minds:
its the 3rd quarter... we are pretty much wining so the directors decide to let us change into our street clothes. so we go into the de lasalle bathrooms which are humid and pretty cramped. There is a sink, stall, and a door leading to a locker room. As I walk in, nick says, "don't look back into the stall." I ask why, and he replies, "just don't." so I go in. Not looking back... everyone laughing and stuff. so as curious as I am, I finally look back. In the stall is a weird blondish guy taking a poo in the stall with the door all the way open! nathan walks in and looks in the stall and says "I guess I cant go pee" and the guy in the stall responds, "just go in the shower, we all do all the time." a couple minutes later, he asked, "seriously, does anyone have any toilet paper?" Everyone shouts, "no!" Then he says "Scr_w it" and pulls up his pants. Then walks right through us into the locker room. A couple more minutes pass and we hear a glass bottle break in the locker room... soo we all hurry up cause we just wanna get outta there. crazy stuff. i left out some stuff but thats for the better.
(please dont try to correct my grammer or spelling or junk.. im just trying to describe it.. not write an essay.)
bio killed. =/ who knows, maybe he'll be sleepy while grading my paper and mark things right. Oh.. don't want to push luck right?
....zzz...... gl on bio esther
i feel sick.
i dont think astro turf absorbs barf too well...
during our competition at Pleasanton, avoid the 35, front hash... or was it 45? wherever that phat circle is....
hmm... those people who died on 9-11-01 deserved to die
gotta finish up my hw
the football game was fun
we won
time is constantly against us..... lets go to the nexus!!! (did anyone see that star trek movie on sci-fi?)
Ive got 20 sentences to write in chinese... bring on the fun.....
uh, school ... grades are going down... >.<
but... eh
alan and ishii are doing it since they had astronomy in scioly
so i guess, it should help me.
yeah, my tuesdays and thursdays are already stuffed
tomorrow there is three options:
acadec, sectional, or st. agnes
hmmm.. whick one to pick...
must finish this psych essay
i heard the comp test is hard...
im soo tired...
band really takes it out of ya. :/
i did get my viola today
however, it was great at first.
but now.. it sounds nasally to me.. either that or i had extremely high expectations. im' not sure. i need to get someone else to listen to it and set me straight. sigh.. it's really pretty though.
I just got back from San Francisco. Absolutely great. However, every silver lining has a rainy cloud. I know that's not how the quote goes, but it works right now. I have a lot of homework to complete and a test to study for. Not good. Plus its nine pm and Esthers do not function on all nighters.
I feel like I've missed a lot on whatever has been going on with this blog.. O_o
I'm getting a new viola.. or I got one, but I have to wait for it to arrive. SO excited.
ok ima finish up my hw so i dont put it all on tonight
school, acadec, go home for 30 minutes to eat/fill water, band, and last, do hw after 9
i guess ill... go do my hw....
hmm... went to church as usual...
got meh new clarinet today.... i guess it takes a while to "break in" the wood
so yeah
not much... except gotta study for chinese/do math/work ahead on econ/apes
should be able to do it on monday
the plan is to see HERO on monday
happy b-day megan!
link crew went ok today... they put me back to 8..yay
so im planning to give them bags of candy on halloween and christmas cards with candy canes during christmas... i just need their schedule.. but i dont have to worry about that for a while.
comp... phew... but still.. i wrote soo bad. o well
3 days to relax.. kinda...
i need to read psych
do math
do chem
study for chinese
practice sax.. :/
and study for acadec
50 cents... a bet on a 130 (?) game winning team.... be rdy to pay up :D
its... interesting
where is everyone on a friday night? im quite bored
today sucked... but the chinese test got postponed
needa study for that
im so bored, i need to do something
and i dont want to start a new comp game
i say cw will win
u bet me .50 they lose
my new post is below jason's "ka-way-ze" one. :D
So far, no one that I have talked to (which includes an array of atleast 10 people) like Alan
So Mike, the true question is, do you really want him to be here?
Why am I even making a deal out of it? Does it even matter?
In the larger scheme of things, this decision will do nothing.
But a bridge has been burned... and it will not be rebuilt.
I personally frown at those who constantly curse, it's not a good habit.
And couldn't you just calm down for a while? It's crazy, your life must suck as much as mine.
Essentially loners.
Why do suicide rates rise after someone has committed suicide? On the island of Micronesia a man committed suicide because he felt that his life wouldn't get any better. Several months/weeks later other men committed suicide. Why? They felt that there was an place to escape to after fulfilling their task at hand.
Why do these ideas spread? After someone first does the action, others get the same idea and accept it as a social norm (especially if it is a "celebrity," such as the case of Marilyn Monroe) so they could do the same thing. People want to be accepted/elevated by society... humans are social creatures that sometimes or always need attention. Committing suicide was a form of communication. It says "I'm so fed up with this world, that I want to leave." Why not permanently leave by ending your own life? After all, these people believe that after death on this earth they will never experience pain again. One man in Micronesia committed suicide because his father yelled at him... he needed to be socially accepted, but after years of neglect the sorrow/anger built up in him and he decided to end his life.
These thoughts are interesting... I myself have seen that people are socially pressured to do certain things. Why follow the crowd? Because you don't stand out, you're the same as everyone else, you're accepted by other people because they are just like you. Why not stick out? Why not be the odd-one out? Because everybody else looks at you funny.
Peer pressure is the strongest influence of all. If everyone in the class cheated (and I mean everyone)... and there was a substitute teacher sleeping in the back... would you cheat? What if your neighbor had a paper on his/her backpack right next to you, would you look? Of course you would -- we don't want to be the odd one out. (Redundancy sucks... lol)
Hmm... next possible topic for the phat 3-4 page essay... DRUGS!!
Drugs have fueled gangs and gangs have fueled violence. Trading in drugs is very profitable and just as illegal. In some communities where law enforcement has essentially become as effective as stop signs, gangs, drugs and guns rule the streets. Drugs, such as cocaine have been known to cause disease epidemics because they lead the user to risky behavior which could eventually spread things such as HIV and syphilis.
This topic sucks
today i went to the doctors to get a asthma prescription
but then they pulled up my immunization records and found i was missing a hepatitis A second shot... so i got that.. and it hurt
then i got a follow up on my contacts...
eyes got dilated... that sorta hurt.. from the lights
yeah... today was eh
well friday tomorrow
i bought candy for my ten, yes i said 10, freshmen.
im scared..........
why must i get like more than everyone else, i want 8 too
well i get to miss the chinese 2 test. is anyone gunna take that tomorrow? cause i dun wanna.
that essay is starting to scare me...
my topic:
make automated meatpacking industry and fast food restaurants... like krispy kreme.
then theres a problem with unemployment.. but i think most ppl will work in the robot/machine factories instead.... which im hoping is not that dangerous.
our first football game is the de la sall (spl?) game. on 9/11.. friday i think.
and i believe we are marching the opener...
to do:
club signups
so anyways... ive been working on my big heap of hw for the past 4 hours... its been quite the struggle
math is sooooo easy for me.... muhaha (analysis -_-)
lets see
ive done math hw.... econ..... (still some more to do).... apes.... needa study for chinese.... needa "brainstorm" for kyer's essay....
i have work to do in every class
its so great
so far, life is interesting
its like that toys r us song.... i dont wanna grow up... .,.. blah blah blah.....
i feel old
then 17
then 18
then... college...
then life.....
i feel so unprepared
i wanna do something this weekend... since we have 3 days...
do we have a football game on friday?
lol... apes has been somewhat depressing... we're just destroying the place that we live on .. its horrible
hmm... i wonder if my quest for all A's has been challenged....
mike.... if cw wins.... 50 cents.... mine
i hope mirigian doesn't read the stuff on my objectives paper.....
i think imma take a quick nap
who wants alan (a 1989 born-ee, i believe) to join this blog?
vote in the comments, :D
the acadec meetings are about 1 hour and 30 mins i think
they seem.. fun...
plus.. astronomy is my scioly subject..
this should help....
plus.. ill learn more...
if thats good...
tuesdays = 13 hours of school (school, acadec, band)
then i get home and do hw.. get a very few hours of sleep
then the next day, go to the 2 hour band block... feeling dead.
then thursdays i have st. agnes.. so... yeh
hopefully they will change the schedule in october.
kath, if u quit. can i have ur binder?
:/ i didnt get one.. but its not that important..
7am tomorrow... :/
club rush friday.
yeah, the show is pretty hard..
well its more difficult compared to last year.
mrs. hall is making a dvd... its pretty good.
she show it to us (a couple band ppl) in chem.
chem.. its soo confusing...
all the 10th graders are understanding it...
i never should have made that gap...
plus. mr. hunter is gone for the week.
comp.. friday.. ___________ day.
my essays take a really long time to make it good...
some interesting news for today
i got a new clarinet.... that doesn't happen every day.....
(when saying this sentence in my head, i noticed i emphasized the wrong syllable)
i got a new clarinet.... that doesn't happen every day.....
there we go (if i dont make any sense, read on)
and... some dude named "Hadi Hobab" called me.... interesting
i hardly have any extra activities after school.... only key club (which i hardly ever go to)... band (takes up most of my time) and some crabby thing on monday evenings
zzz.... hw....nooo
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