I feel like going on an adventure with Bill and Ted.
I think you know that you've ditched too much when the lady at attendance knows your first and last name. I think she almost has my ID number.
I think you know that you've ditched too much when the lady at attendance knows your first and last name. I think she almost has my ID number.
maybe i shouldnt have had the 40oz slurpee
4am. school tomorrow.
this look pretty intresting

Dick Weber Youth Scholarship League
AMF is pleased to sponsor the Dick Weber Scholarship League honoring and remembering one of the all-time greatest bowlers, the sport's greatest ambassador worldwide, and a great friend and partner of AMF for nearly 50 years.
Join Today! It's cool. It's fun. And it's a terrific way to earn money for college. If you're age 9 to 18, you're eligible to join. Just ask about the program at the center's front desk.
The weekly membership fee will cover all your bowling costs for league play -- with $3 per week per member going into the scholarship fund. Your membership includes a Dick Weber Scholarship League shirt, sports towel and more! And you can participate in the AMF League Bowler Rewards Program - with discounted practice rates and special offers from AMF partners for you and your entire family.
(source: http://www.amf.com/sierralanes/leagues/AMF_Bowling_Leagues.htm)
4am. school tomorrow.
this look pretty intresting

Dick Weber Youth Scholarship League
AMF is pleased to sponsor the Dick Weber Scholarship League honoring and remembering one of the all-time greatest bowlers, the sport's greatest ambassador worldwide, and a great friend and partner of AMF for nearly 50 years.
Join Today! It's cool. It's fun. And it's a terrific way to earn money for college. If you're age 9 to 18, you're eligible to join. Just ask about the program at the center's front desk.
The weekly membership fee will cover all your bowling costs for league play -- with $3 per week per member going into the scholarship fund. Your membership includes a Dick Weber Scholarship League shirt, sports towel and more! And you can participate in the AMF League Bowler Rewards Program - with discounted practice rates and special offers from AMF partners for you and your entire family.
(source: http://www.amf.com/sierralanes/leagues/AMF_Bowling_Leagues.htm)
i see you have changed your age in the sidebar. 18 sounds so old....... you're legally an adult?! O_o
one more and we're done =]
dare i hope?
one more and we're done =]
dare i hope?
Repeat that in noncryptic language?
Unworthy of it all, yet it came down just the same.
mm. finals. good luck all.
Dying to self.
Lord.. break through. i pray for Your clear speaking...
Lord, may it always be my prayer to be a steward of Your Will. It is my desire... for on my own, I am nothing. I can accomplish nothing... Only with You can I worship and praise You. Lord, break me. Break me. Break me into the man that You need to serve You. To become the tool used to create Your great works. To be a blessing to Your Holy name. To always worship You, with every action and every thought. To be a humble servant... Oh, it's so amazing. The Holy Spirit is with me now. I pray for the words to spread Your word. I pray for the strength to show others Your love for them. The love that has always been there. The love that they desire beyond anything of this world. The love that is so amazing that it bring tears to those who even think about it. The love that is beyond reason. The love that brings peace beyond peace... to shelter use from this world of sin. To bring peace and provide refuge for those in pain. To give the meek strength. From weakness... comes our strength through Him. Amazing God... I love You so much. I can't explain it because it could never be put into words... You are Holy, always. Forever. I can't wait for the day that I enter the gates of heaven. The beautiful place that I will always spend my existence... The beautiful existence. For eternity I wwill worship Your name... Eternity. Never ceasing. Always praising Your glorious name. Beyond what I could imagine is You. It is so amazing what You have done for me... and I ask, with constant prayer, that You give me the strength I need to spread Your word to others. To spread Your word to the people I know... The spread Your word to those who cry out in help. I ask for the words... For the wisdom and the knowledge of You. Lord... I pray this in Jesus's name... And I pray for Aaron as well and he also walks in the light... that he will always follow Your Will. That he will live without fear... that he will become a blessing to Your name. That he will always serve his Mighty God... the creator of everything beautiful. I praise You in the highest, Lord. Amen.
yeah. does sound a little gross. although i'm not squeemish around blood. i can't watch people getting hurt though because it feels like it's happening to me.. soo yeah.. not good. but blood itself is okay.
I don't think I would be a very effective health-related professional... that has to work hands-on.
Um. Too tired to be creative.
Um. Too tired to be creative.
after reading what i just wrote below..
.. have i always typed like a valley girl?
.. have i always typed like a valley girl?
i'm definitely sure i don't want to become a dentist, partly because i can't stand the idea of working in someone's mouth, and partly because i'm sure i'd get like sued for like messing up.
yeah, i was thinking of the whole college professor type thing, and i actually do like research.. but not sure...
yeah, i was thinking of the whole college professor type thing, and i actually do like research.. but not sure...
Computer Science, well I wish. I sounds fun. I wonder if I could major in some health science but minor in like programming. We basically know anything dealing with computers is and will be in demand towards the future but I haven't really looked into how much they make a year (something my parents kinda care about). Since pharmacy is in demand, that seems like a logical choice, but it wouldn't really come close to a dream job (starting at $80,000/yr, that might not matter). Hm, I don't want to spend tons of years in college for the medical field and my optometrist said it was hard for her to find a job when she got out of college. Psychology seems fun, I just don't want to work with the crazy people - too many scary movies. AP Psych was fun so I put psych as my major on some applications. Dentistry seems pretty, um stable? But after all this brainstorming, I'm sure my (as well as many other's) major will change in the course of our college careers - aka it never has to be set in stone.
What lies ahead? I'm not sure. Does it really matter in the eternal perspective? Nah. Do I care? Am I worried? Definitely.
"The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well." -Horace Walpole
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." -Joshua J. Marine
Thank you quoteland.com. Over and out.
What lies ahead? I'm not sure. Does it really matter in the eternal perspective? Nah. Do I care? Am I worried? Definitely.
"The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well." -Horace Walpole
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." -Joshua J. Marine
Thank you quoteland.com. Over and out.
I don't have a major in mind. Actually I have like thousands of majors in mind, but none of them really really hit with me. So I don't really know. Parents are pushing me towards medical, but it's more of a suggestion than an actual push. That's about it on the parents side. My parents have actually come a whole notch down from being asian academic centered parents, to pretty normal parents. it's very odd, but hey, i'm not complaining.
Actually I would like to major in Psych mainly because of the interest it has to me, but that is also the one major my parents would be against me doing. And then I'm thinking of majoring in English because I think it might be fun, but as we can see, my English is not so hot. And then there's the possibility of something in the engineering or computer sciences, but I'm not sure. Plus I don't want to end up my whole life in front of the computer, because the computer basically ruins my life right now. It really interests me though.. I sat through some computer-related class in Davis where I had no idea what they were talking about but it was still interesting to me. I used to want to go into nutrition science, but after sitting in on one of those classes, I decided it didn't hold my interest too well, but that's still an option maybe. I kind of want to go into education just because it's one of those.. help people.. professions without the life and death that may be involved with a medical profession. but i'm scared of disciplining people and i can't hold a group of kids together too well-- IE, LINK CREW KIDS. OMG. I think I would run out of patience, or okay, maybe not patience, but at least sanity.. like knowing what to do. I don't know.. people don't listen to me. they just.. don't. Plus I dont' think I'm good enough to go into medicine, or ocd enough. I mean I'm too like.. careless, I guess. And hospital environments kind of make me feel sick. As for engineering .. yeah I lack precision, again. I don't think I want to major in a science like bio or chem because i kind of hated those .. like.. it seems impractical.. okay not impractical, but really far off from the world.. theoretical??? Or just plain weird. I mean okay, the earth is odd with all its intricacies, but i have no desire to pick it apart and see how it works. I mean it works, great. As for math .. i'm not that great at math. okay so i always thought math was one of my stronger points, relatively, but maybe not so much anymore. i don't know what happened.. either i got stupider or everyone got smarter and i stayed the same. oh.. economics is really interesting to me.. but.. so.. theoretical. and neuroscience seems pretty interesting too.. definitely no business.. not for me.. i would die in the business world. .. and probably n o law.. i'm too indecisive... oh and i was thinking of optometry... but... seeing as how i didn't even bother studying the eye during ap bio.. i'm not sure it's something i would really like.
okay.. see how mixed up i am?
Oh but i'm definitely minoring in music. i want to keep that going when i get into college, so yeah..
I didn't mean to go on for so long.. sorry if i put you to sleep.
Actually I would like to major in Psych mainly because of the interest it has to me, but that is also the one major my parents would be against me doing. And then I'm thinking of majoring in English because I think it might be fun, but as we can see, my English is not so hot. And then there's the possibility of something in the engineering or computer sciences, but I'm not sure. Plus I don't want to end up my whole life in front of the computer, because the computer basically ruins my life right now. It really interests me though.. I sat through some computer-related class in Davis where I had no idea what they were talking about but it was still interesting to me. I used to want to go into nutrition science, but after sitting in on one of those classes, I decided it didn't hold my interest too well, but that's still an option maybe. I kind of want to go into education just because it's one of those.. help people.. professions without the life and death that may be involved with a medical profession. but i'm scared of disciplining people and i can't hold a group of kids together too well-- IE, LINK CREW KIDS. OMG. I think I would run out of patience, or okay, maybe not patience, but at least sanity.. like knowing what to do. I don't know.. people don't listen to me. they just.. don't. Plus I dont' think I'm good enough to go into medicine, or ocd enough. I mean I'm too like.. careless, I guess. And hospital environments kind of make me feel sick. As for engineering .. yeah I lack precision, again. I don't think I want to major in a science like bio or chem because i kind of hated those .. like.. it seems impractical.. okay not impractical, but really far off from the world.. theoretical??? Or just plain weird. I mean okay, the earth is odd with all its intricacies, but i have no desire to pick it apart and see how it works. I mean it works, great. As for math .. i'm not that great at math. okay so i always thought math was one of my stronger points, relatively, but maybe not so much anymore. i don't know what happened.. either i got stupider or everyone got smarter and i stayed the same. oh.. economics is really interesting to me.. but.. so.. theoretical. and neuroscience seems pretty interesting too.. definitely no business.. not for me.. i would die in the business world. .. and probably n o law.. i'm too indecisive... oh and i was thinking of optometry... but... seeing as how i didn't even bother studying the eye during ap bio.. i'm not sure it's something i would really like.
okay.. see how mixed up i am?
Oh but i'm definitely minoring in music. i want to keep that going when i get into college, so yeah..
I didn't mean to go on for so long.. sorry if i put you to sleep.
Tonight I realized what my real name should be.
Jason Intrusive Chin
I speak didactically. It comes naturally, I tell people what to do.
I also tend to jump in and "philosophize" about subjects I don't have any first-hand experience with. Such as being academically proficient. It just doesn't happen for me, yet I always have this ability to dish out "tips," "comments" and other "words" even though I don't know anything about it.
On a different note (atonal), this blogger is in need of an upgrade. An intellectual upgrade. Let's have a true conversation. Something that will make you think.
Having the aforementioned ability, I feel as if I could lead this. ^^ Roflz.
To begin with... What are all of your majors? And why? Are there parents pushing you to this profession?
Personally I plan to hop into business... It's always struck me as interesting. With a flow of ideas I'd like to see how I'd fare... I know I'll get eaten alive.
Jason Intrusive Chin
I speak didactically. It comes naturally, I tell people what to do.
I also tend to jump in and "philosophize" about subjects I don't have any first-hand experience with. Such as being academically proficient. It just doesn't happen for me, yet I always have this ability to dish out "tips," "comments" and other "words" even though I don't know anything about it.
On a different note (atonal), this blogger is in need of an upgrade. An intellectual upgrade. Let's have a true conversation. Something that will make you think.
Having the aforementioned ability, I feel as if I could lead this. ^^ Roflz.
To begin with... What are all of your majors? And why? Are there parents pushing you to this profession?
Personally I plan to hop into business... It's always struck me as interesting. With a flow of ideas I'd like to see how I'd fare... I know I'll get eaten alive.
... lol. Fill me in people!!! =O And I miss bible studies, because i didn't go last week..
... lol. Fill me in people!!! =O And I miss bible studies, because i didn't go last week..
omg--- you guys need to tell me about scholarships
so i can sign up too.. i need them desperately.
i hope i can go to price's bible studies soon..
i miss them. =[
i feel like i learn more there.
so i can sign up too.. i need them desperately.
i hope i can go to price's bible studies soon..
i miss them. =[
i feel like i learn more there.
it's the weekend. =]
feeling disgruntled
What a day indeed.
First off:
Target Scholarship
Postmark Date - today
Status - not turned in
Reason - Mr. Pazzi lost it.
(ps. he didnt have to do much, it was a fill in the blank kinda thing that i gave him all the responses. it had 2 other advisor things already done)
mom got pretty mad.
no free money for me.
well i guess i can do something else.
Smittcamp app that i was almost done with broke on my lappy
had to start over
did whole app in 1 hour.
Made it at post office 5:32
nice guy let me send it.
essays: 500/500, 229/500, 216/250
=/ im a sure rejection
and now... The Hw:
Lit - rewrite, poem, scantron test
Econ - APIP(+outline thingy), study questions, read chapter, outline, test
Gov - read, study, test
Calc - one assignment
APES - scrapes, objectives, quiz
First off:
Target Scholarship
Postmark Date - today
Status - not turned in
Reason - Mr. Pazzi lost it.
(ps. he didnt have to do much, it was a fill in the blank kinda thing that i gave him all the responses. it had 2 other advisor things already done)
mom got pretty mad.
no free money for me.
well i guess i can do something else.
Smittcamp app that i was almost done with broke on my lappy
had to start over
did whole app in 1 hour.
Made it at post office 5:32
nice guy let me send it.
essays: 500/500, 229/500, 216/250
=/ im a sure rejection
and now... The Hw:
Lit - rewrite, poem, scantron test
Econ - APIP(+outline thingy), study questions, read chapter, outline, test
Gov - read, study, test
Calc - one assignment
APES - scrapes, objectives, quiz
What a day.
That's a really, really, depressing sentence.
You'll never know...
(It's blood, trust me.)
Happy New Year. I have no hopes or dreams. I think I'm just saying that.
It's getting easier. Hopefully schoolwork will follow. (ah, there's one hope) Breakover!!!!!
Happy New Year. I have no hopes or dreams. I think I'm just saying that.
It's getting easier. Hopefully schoolwork will follow. (ah, there's one hope) Breakover!!!!!
Something is stirring in my heart.
(And it's not blood)
(And it's not blood)
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